Homemade Bacon Bourbon Chocolate Chip Cookies



  • Soufre
    Soufre Posts: 236 Member
  • Chezzie84
    Chezzie84 Posts: 873 Member
    I am sorry but these sound horrible.

    We are all entitled to our own opinion. The first time I heard "bacon chocolate chip pancakes", I wanted to vomit. Now they're a favorite brunch option once a month. You will never know just how well bacon and chocolate go together until you try it. The combo idea made me want to hurl, but it's seriously delicious. What better place to post than a calorie counting site ;) teehee

    I would be lynched and burned at the stake if I even suggested this. Bacon is for butties with brown sauce not cookies. Not s ure this will be a hit in the UK
  • PghPensFan69
    PghPensFan69 Posts: 2,393 Member
    Bump. Definitely want to make these.

    Thanks for sharing
  • AyeCorona
    AyeCorona Posts: 204 Member

    Can't wait to try :)
