Hit the wall

Help, I seem to have hit the wall..scales have not moved for a while now. My itness pal has me on 1280 calories a day,most days I stick to that. I excersise 2 - 3 times a week,usually run around 10k on the treadmill at each gym session and most sundays I go hillwalking weather permitting. Any idea's to kick start my weightloss again? I am 6ft 1' tall..Last may I was around 108kg,I am now 93.1kg..I am delighted with how well I have done but it all seems to have stopped..ideally I would like to lose another stone.


  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    At your size, it is virtually impossible to not lose weight eaten at 1300 calories per day, even if you are completely sedentary.

    You said "most days" - don't really know what that means. First thing I would do is go over my food logging in excruciating detail. Because it sounds like you are eating more than you think.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    At your size, it is virtually impossible to not lose weight eaten at 1300 calories per day, even if you are completely sedentary.

    You said "most days" - don't really know what that means. First thing I would do is go over my food logging in excruciating detail. Because it sounds like you are eating more than you think.

    This and why would MFP put a male that low???? did you put in 2lbs a week?
  • malckyb
    Thanks for the replies so far. :) Yeah I did put 2lbs a week in. I only tend to go over my daily calorie goal on a sat or sun..through the week I am always on the target or more often than not, eating less than the 1280 calories.
  • lmd_1979
    lmd_1979 Posts: 130
    1280 cals a day seems abit low for a male.
  • drenergy
    drenergy Posts: 112 Member
    I think that's low for anyone, but that's just my opinion!

    When I hit a wall and still had easily ten pounds to lose, I actually ate more and worked out harder. Don't skimp on weight training, and don't worry if you go up a couple pounds at first. There are stores in your body that you keep at zero in order to tell your body to burn fat during your deficit. But sometimes eating a little more to fuel more intense workouts can be helpful. A lot of people seem to like high intensity interval training, or if you're a fan of other kinds of cardio (running, biking, the usual), so sprints where you really amp up as high as you can for as long as you can, and then slow way down until you feel ready to go again. In running it can be called speed work or fartleks, etc., and it kicks your body's habits. Steady-pace cardio gets less effective over time because your body gets better at it and your muscles are more efficient, so you really have to push it to shake things up. You can also try new exercises you haven't done yet.

    The best workout is the one you've never done! :) And don't get too discouraged. I stalled for over a month and just needed some time to refresh before getting back at it. It happens.
  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    ...I am always on the target or more often than not, eating less than the 1280 calories.

    "More often than not" only means "not less than 50% of the time".

    Open up your diary.