Wii Fitness Plus . . .

I'm wondering if anyone else has used Wii Fitness Plus as part of their personal getting moving initiative and have been able to sustain weight loss results.

I'd be interested to what others have experienced.




  • MissSjolin
    MissSjolin Posts: 134 Member
    Hello! In my personal experience I like using the Wii fit. I'm not positive how accurate the readings and such are but for me I use it more for those days when I don't really feel like doing a workout routine but still wanna get up and move. Plus it kinda keeps me accountable by keeping track of my activity and such. So as far as motivation wise if you enjoy it and it gets ya moving I say it's a great tool :) Hope that helped
  • janetkuu
    I had the best results with Wii Active! They have preset workouts already for you to get busy, plus they have a 30 day challenge! It helped tone me up a bit and lost some pounds! But right now, what I love to do on my Wii...it is fun, gets you sweating, and doesn't even feel like you are working out, is the Just Dance Games. They have a sweat option on there....if you dance hard for an hour...do all the moves...not just moving your arms...you can expect to burn between 400-500 calories. Not a bad way to lose weight! But back to Wii fit...I've used it in the past...was the first workout game I purchased...was not a fan of it. it wasn't continuous, you do one exercise, the game stops, and then you pick your next exercise, and so on...hard way to keep your heart rate up that way.
  • CC_Maam
    CC_Maam Posts: 45 Member
    I'd love to know more about Wii Active ... will it run on the regular Wii or is it a totally different system?

    (Wii Fitness Plus does have a segment where you can gear your personal program but I really don't use that so much) I use the varied segments mostly the aerobic, balance and free style sections. (and do the various run segments (in place of course)).

  • MLR930
    MLR930 Posts: 95 Member
    I'd love to know more about Wii Active ... will it run on the regular Wii or is it a totally different system?

    (Wii Fitness Plus does have a segment where you can gear your personal program but I really don't use that so much) I use the varied segments mostly the aerobic, balance and free style sections. (and do the various run segments (in place of course)).


    I can answer this one, it runs on the regular Wii, it has a knee strap that you strap the Wii controller into and it tracks your movements that way. It's great. I just upgraded to the Wii U and plan on getting the Wii Fit U game soon.
  • mekkzy888
    mekkzy888 Posts: 100 Member
    When Wii Sports and Wii Fit first came out I used it ALL the time and because I was so excited about beating the high scores and playing the games I barely noticed I was exercising - I saw the exercise calories stack up but didn't take any notice of them because I was convinced I couldn't really be burning that many.
    It did make a difference though, especially the boxing on the sports and the obstacle course on Wii Fit Plus, definitely felt the burn in my arms and legs the next day after those ones! And after a few months it did help me lose the first 7-10lbs.
    Unfortunately I got bored with it when all the levels were unlocked and I couldn't beat my high scores, and then the board stopped working so I couldn't have used it even if I wanted to.

    I would buy a new board but I'm not sure if it's worth the money anymore.
  • ladymiseryali
    ladymiseryali Posts: 2,555 Member
    I do Wii Fit U. I love it! The only issue is that the "jogging" game can hurt your joints, so it's best to avoid that cardio and instead do either the Hoola-Hoop workout, free boxing, or if you have two controllers do the dancing workout.
  • dezb64
    dezb64 Posts: 109 Member
    I started with the Wii Fit Plus and lost my first 30 lbs by doing the Hula Hoop, bike ride and step every day. I haven't used it for exercise in months but do use it weekly to weigh in as I find the scale to be very accurate. It's a great place to start and as an occasional change of pace.
  • CC_Maam
    CC_Maam Posts: 45 Member
    If you have a Game Stop (I'd call ahead) they were recently selling used ones for $15.

    I guess I really never get terribly bored with not being able to beat my scores - I just look for the 455 calories for the day and then go off to the gym. (I only started with the gym two weeks ago) So Wii Fitness Plus was my way of keeping track and I LOVED the long view that showed a steady decline in weight and bmi - 60 some pounds down and another 70 to go ... I'll keep mine) It was the thing that got me started and well so far so good!

  • CC_Maam
    CC_Maam Posts: 45 Member
    Isn't it great to look at that chart? *lol* expensive for a scale but I still haven't worked my way through all the yoga positions! (tomorrow it is off to Tai Chi at the Y)!

  • CC_Maam
    CC_Maam Posts: 45 Member
    dancing workout?
  • jamesc9282014
    I've been using it, but honestly don't think I will continue. I do the free step for the max time, 30 minutes, sometimes twice back to back and don't feel any sort of workout, maybe I'll add the step. The hula hoop is nice is a but better, but same issue there. I'm thinking of trying dance dance revolution once I pay my school bills
  • CC_Maam
    CC_Maam Posts: 45 Member
    While losing it fast would be emotionally wonderful I suspect that losing it at a slower pace helps you find a healthy lifestyle and steady downward trend with the scale.

    It might not feel like 'much of a workout' it is one of those things that if you keep doing it it does count. The majority of my weight loss came from using wii fit plus with my favorites - driving range (approach shot), freestep, free run, and 'flying out to the blimp' along with the yoga .. now THAT can be one heck of a workout in a lot of ways - discipline, balance and the strength poses are amazing in the long run.

    For some people that doesn't seem enough but it kinda sneaks up on you as your clothes fit better and your stamina increases.

  • sevencallmemom
    sevencallmemom Posts: 505 Member
    It was my gateway drug to exercise. Lol

    Seriously, I did free step over and over everyday till I got a treadmill and eventually could do workout videos. I lost my first 60 or so pounds using it.
  • CC_Maam
    CC_Maam Posts: 45 Member
    I think it is a great starter. I am keeping it at this point and adding the gym ... not ready for more equipment space in the house (though if I knew what I know now I might have kept the recumbent bike and eliptical (or traded it for something more appropriate for my level of ability)

    For anyone who is now just 'getting off the couch' this is a super starter ... not to mention now that nintendo has said they are doing away with them they should be darn cheap!