Elliptical good cardio for weight loss?

I have a bruised tail bone, so the bike isn't an option right now. I get too bored on the treadmill. So, I've been doing either a half hour or fourty-five minutes on the elliptical with a resistance set at 8....sometimes higher.

My question.... is the elliptical a good cardio machine for weight loss? I know some machines are more effective than others, and want to make good use of my time at the gym. I go at 4:30 in the morning before hubby has to leave for work because I have two small children.


  • JuneyCleaves
    JuneyCleaves Posts: 92 Member
    I've got an elliptical and a recumbent at home that I use. I find that, by comparison, my HR elevates faster and stays there when using the elliptical as opposed to the bike.
    Whether or not it's your best option for maximizing time at the gym, I can't say ... but I have had success with it during home use.

  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    The elliptical is a fantastic workout, but as with anything, it's all about what you put into it.
  • DownsizingAaron
    DownsizingAaron Posts: 127 Member
    The elliptical can be an awesome workout! Definitely all about what you put into it. I find it is easier for me to keep up a high intensity session on the elliptical versus a treadmill or bike. For me it is all about getting into the zone with the right music. The elliptical is also pretty easy to use for HIIT since you can ramp up the workout and cool down quickly.

    Get a heart rate monitor or use a machine with one to help you keep a good workout pace and for HIIT, if that's something that interests you.
  • ebayaddict0127
    ebayaddict0127 Posts: 523 Member
    A lot of people are very anti-elliptical, however, I love it! It's much easier on the joints and if you go fast enough with a decent resistance, you can really get a good burn.

    I successfully (back in the day) went from 160 lbs to 125 lbs by mostly doing elliptical as my cardio (and strength training).
  • callmestephanie
    callmestephanie Posts: 90 Member
    Not sure why anyone would be anti elliptical (unless it's cause it kicks their butt) but I got one cheap from a local online yard sale group on FB and I LOVE it. It's my favorite machine that I've tried (not that I have used many haha). It kicks my butt too but that's why I love it! haha