looking to build friends list

I usually trim my friends list of members who have long since stopped logging in.

Anyone who regularly tracks calories and wants more friends, feel free to add me. I'm pretty busy, but I will add anyone who sends a request.

I've lost almost 120 pounds so far and still have about 30 to go. Looking for people who are committed and don't let setbacks stop them from continuing to work towards their goals. I've started serious weightloss efforts in 2006 and have kept a lot of my progress intact but have yoyoed in the 200 to 240 pound range. But because I started at 318, I'm still happy with my overall success.

Now it's time to make the final leap and get to my target weight after nearly 8 years of effort. And yes, I understand that it's about lifestyle changes, and not about temporary diets. I've established many permanent and healthy habits. I am it in for the long haul.

If I take time to add you, please be patient. I am very busy as a new teacher and I have a lot of prep to do for my classes. But I will add anyone who sends a friend request. It just might take a day or two.

Thanks in advance to anyone who adds me!


  • amyp1134
    amyp1134 Posts: 7 Member
    I know it sounds stupid but when I used mfp before I never added guys. Who knows maybe I'm missing something lol!
  • theseus82
    theseus82 Posts: 255 Member
    Some guys here give the rest of us a bad name. It's like that guy at the gym that thinks a gym is a dating website or something. I hope that most of us here understand the forums are for support and not a smaller outlet of Match.com or something.

    I'm just here to lose extra weight and lock in healthy lifestyle habits. The MFP community is mostly great but sometimes there is an uber post of hostility the mods have to delete from the forums. Usually it centers around the controversy of whether someone should eat at least 1,200 calories each day or not. Much more hostile argument when the person in question is also exercising regularly. What happens in these arguments is one camp says, "You're anorexic, seek help." And the other says, "eating less than 1,200 calories per day with exercise is fine."

    I stay out of these arguments but I've seen the posts get very nasty before the mods delete it. Overall, great community. But I've seen some nastiness in the past. Not nearly as much as I've witnessed on the WeightWatcher "General/Daily Thread" forum. So much nastiness there. At least when I was a member. People fled to the other forums in WW because the "General/Daily Thread" was taken over by members who liked a little toxicity in their posts. The mods did nothing to stop it there. Here the mods will take action, and that is good.