Help me create a workout plan

I'm not a newbie to working out. I have always been active but I gave birth 5 months ago to my 3rd baby and cannot get back in the swing of things and lose these last 10-15lbs. I love to run and my goal is to run a half marathon by the end of the yr so I need to run at least 3-4 days a week. I do not have access to a gym but I own every single Jillian Michaels dvd including her new 90 day system. My goal is to lose 10-15 lbs, and build some muscle. I cant decide how many days I should be doing weights, and running. Whats a good weekly goal? Like i said Im not new to working out, but I just cant find that happy meduim. I tru to do jillian 5 days a week and run 3 of those days also but thats an hr those days and i dont always have that much time but then when i try to split 3 and 3 I dont feel like I did enough.


  • DJ478
    DJ478 Posts: 909 Member
    I'm not a newbie to working out. I have always been active but I gave birth 5 months ago to my 3rd baby and cannot get back in the swing of things and lose these last 10-15lbs. I love to run and my goal is to run a half marathon by the end of the yr so I need to run at least 3-4 days a week. I do not have access to a gym but I own every single Jillian Michaels dvd including her new 90 day system. My goal is to lose 10-15 lbs, and build some muscle. I cant decide how many days I should be doing weights, and running. Whats a good weekly goal? Like i said Im not new to working out, but I just cant find that happy medium. I tru to do jillian 5 days a week and run 3 of those days also but thats an hr those days and i dont always have that much time but then when i try to split 3 and 3 I dont feel like I did enough.

    i understand you completely i have a son whose months old too and i finished insanity but now he doesnt nap as long so i had to find a workout that suits my time so i started jm 30 day shred i have 10-15 lbs to lose but alot of people had success losing inches so i will take that lol working on my problem area the stomach the workout is great because its in intervals and is 25 minutes long