body dismorphic in reverse

I'm wondering if anyone else out there experiences the same thing as me. I hear a lot about people who are body dismorphic that think they are fatter then what they actually are. I'm the opposite. I see myself in my own head as young, fit, skinny and healthy. Then I look in the mirror and go "Oh right, I'm not like that at all."

I'm 5'1" or 158cm and 252lbs or 114.6kg (Depending on which system you go by), so I am clearly not skinny. I am also very unfit at this stage. Whilst yes I am trying to change that. I feel as though my body image issues have lead me to such high numbers. Always feeling like I was fine, I feel like I am around the 65kg (143lbs) mark in my mind.

Does anyone else experience this, or is it just me that's weird?


  • Sunitagt
    Sunitagt Posts: 486 Member
    I was the same way for a long time, which i think is why I just ignored my weight for so long. It was more of a 'I'm not that bad' though, I mean, I knew I wasn't thin, but thought I was average, but then I see the mirror and the pictures and recognize my mind's eye is not correct at all. I hope to change that though!
  • lisalsd1
    lisalsd1 Posts: 1,520 Member
    I don't think that is uncommon. I've heard people on shows like The Biggest Loser say similar things. No offense, but it is probably a defense mechanism...being in "denial" of your current weight may help you cope with it.
  • jtarmom
    jtarmom Posts: 228 Member
    I think I fit this bill - whenever I lose a little weight, I'm like, yeah, I look great. And then I see a photo or something that reminds me that I really don't look that great.
  • dreambodin2011
    dreambodin2011 Posts: 166 Member
    I can relate to this. It's a double edged sword...cos on the one hand I think it's great to be happy in our own skin, and feel sexy and acceptable....but on the other we are kidding ourselves and should do better for our health's sake. Definately in denial...the thinking "Oh I'm not doing too badly...I look okay".....isn't stretching yourself to the best version of YOU that you can be.

    It boils down to this question:
    How bad do you want it? How much does it mean to you?

    Clearly to many, it doesn't mean enough to make the changes that are necessary. But once you have made those changes, and continue to make them, you might change your mind.
  • BrienJD
    BrienJD Posts: 541 Member
    I fit this bill sometimes. I try to avoid full size mirrors and cameras. I think I am doing ok at times, but then I do get a good look and it's like crap....
  • KristinaB83
    KristinaB83 Posts: 440 Member
    Heh... I feel super skinny all the time... And then I see I myself in peoples pictures on FB and realize I'm not.
  • jjscholar
    jjscholar Posts: 413 Member
    I have read the basics on body dysmorphic disorder and it is basically anyone who believes that his/her body is unacceptable.
  • SuperHero_Girl
    SuperHero_Girl Posts: 72 Member
    I have experienced the same feeling. I explained it to my therapist and she said that it's just straight up body dysmorphia which, defined, is seeing yourself as looking different than the general public tends to see you.

    I had it so bad that, even when I looked at myself in mirror, I saw myself as significantly thinner than I actually was. I even believed that I only looked bigger in photos because of the old adage that the camera adds pounds. It took seeing photos of myself at my sister's baby shower to realize just how much I let myself go and how unhealthy I was.

    Almost 2 years after that wake-up call and seriously considering weight loss surgery, I am 67 pounds smaller and I'm more able to see myself for how I really look.
  • Fit2BeFly
    Fit2BeFly Posts: 185 Member
    I have to the same issue and yes it has prevented me from giving 100% when working out. I would tell myself that I am tall so I really am not "that big", even if my clothes are getting tighter. :sad: some days I see myself as a thinner person, not skinny, and others I see the real me. I have started avoiding mirrors because of it. It's tough.
  • bumblebreezy91
    bumblebreezy91 Posts: 520 Member
    I can relate to this in the sense that I am/was always picking out clothing that is/was several sizes smaller than anything I can/could fit into at the stores. While I've never been happy at my weight, I've never exactly "felt my weight" either. But I also tend to think I'm a lot bigger than I actually am when it comes to criticizing myself or when I'm not actually applying it to clothing--for instance, watching television shows on weight loss or obesity, I've always said, "Oh, that girl is my size!" and she ends up being 50-100 pounds heavier than me.
  • girldownsouth
    girldownsouth Posts: 920 Member
    I do this too. And I think there are lots of contributing factors, I'm quite curvy, and gain weight all over, so could be several sizes smaller than someone the same height and weight that carries it around their middle, I also don't really show excess weight on my face, I think these both make it easier to look in the mirror and pretend everything is fine, even though the scales tell a different story. I also watch TV shows where people can't even walk for example, and think how can you get to that state, surely there comes a point where you make a change, my health and fitness has generally been fine, which I think makes denial easier, although there was a point a few years ago where I started to notice that some everyday tasks were harder than they ever should be for a 20 something, as I was then. I did lose some weight then, but regained it and more. The other thing that doesn't help is other people's perception, I never get comments really about my weight, except occasionally from my parents, but being short like you, and young looking, I often get called little, or cute/sweet. Words that also make it harder to then view yourself as 'big'.
  • Spacegirlley
    Spacegirlley Posts: 80 Member
    Glad to know I'm not the only one out there. I understand what you mean about the weight not showing on the face, up until about 10kgs ago, it didn't really show on my face either.

    I appreciate everyone sharing their story, I don't feel so alone in this now :happy:
  • 2014_My_Year
    I'm late to the party!

    I found this while Googling "reverse body dismophia" and am sort of amazed at how many people feel this way.

    I'm 5'2" tall and weigh 215 lbs. My heaviest was 225 lbs.

    I had no idea what I actually looked like. In my head I was, still am and always will be the 26 year old, 130 lb party girl.
