Training for 1st 5k (Tips?)

I've recently started to train for my 1st 5k in the middle of June. It's been a goal of mine for a couple of years, but this is my first time putting serious effort into trying to get ready for one. The one I am doing is called Foamfest, and it's an obstacle 5k. So along with improving my running, I'm also looking to improve my upper body strength.

So far, I've been consistent with working out every morning. Most of the time it's running/jogging/walking at the gym on the treadmill, i've done a little bit of yoga, and a couple days of weights. Treadmill wise, I started aiming to lower my mile (I went from about 12min down to 11:03 in about 2 weeks), but now I really want to focus on improving my endurance. I am following the couch to 5k plan and I start week 3 tomorrow. So I do have some sort of plan for this part of training, but any other tips would be great.

What I really need help with though is strength. I am honestly really weak, and can't do more than maybe 2 pushups... and those 2 look pretty crappy. I only very rarely have access to weight machines, so I'd rather have suggestions for free weight things, or even yoga poses, since yoga is already something I really enjoy. Right now I do bicep curls (2 or 3 reps of 15), Arm raises (2-3 reps of 15), and shoulder press (I think thats what it's called...) (2-3 reps of 15). I'm sure those aren't covering all my muscles though, and I want a well rounded routine, so any tips or links to pictures or videos would be great!

If you've done these obstacle 5k's before and have experience with the obstacles, is there anything else I should be focusing on? Thanks for any help!


  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    Push ups, pullups, bench press, dumbbell rows, squats, deadlifts, overhead press.

    Also if you're able to do it you can incorporate strength things during your training runs. For instance run 200 m them squats, then go bball to run 400 m then do pushups, etc. There was a really good workout plan I found on runnersworld that followed that model and was based on training for a 10k obstacle race
  • Mrscanmore
    Mrscanmore Posts: 859 Member
    One yoga move that my instructor has us do is a push up from a plank position. In plank, slowly with elbows in, lower yourself down, aiming for chin, then chest to come down, elbows in (hope that make sense!). So, it is like doing half a push up. THen you can go to your knees, back to plank and do it again. We do 3-5 of these. So, it's not a lot, but I think it really builds up your arm strength, and maybe this will lead to having less trouble with pushups.