I need to gain weight, please someone help me

Hey everyone I am an 18 year old high school senior who is just tired of being scrawny and wanting to do something about it before college. I am 123 pounds 5 ft 9 and am 7% body fat. You may say 7% wow?! But no I do not look as substantial as I would like to be. I am open to meal plan suggestions and except size suggestions please someone help me I am supposed to have a net caloric in take of 3100...


  • Andrewmuller621
    That is meant to say exercise suggestions*
  • Gambrell104
    Gambrell104 Posts: 282 Member
    weight training
  • mxmkenney
    mxmkenney Posts: 486 Member
    Eat, eat, eat, and start lifting! Get more protein in your diet - invest in a good protein shake to help you get the extra calories if you struggle reaching your daily goal. I'm sorry to say I don't have your problem, but my husband is a personal trainer and he also needs to eat over 3000 calories a day just to maintain! He says squats are one of the best exercises because it builds your core, legs, and back. Work on the main muscle groups back, chest and legs. Do an upper and lower body work out 4 days a week. Monday - upper body, Tuesday - lower body, Wednesday - off, Thursday - upper body, Friday - lower body. But most importantly - EAT!!!
  • kvgrantdva
    kvgrantdva Posts: 1 Member
    Lots and lots of protein. This may sound surprising because they recommend protein for losing weight as well, but honestly, it works. Especially combined with weight training! My dancer friends used to do this all the time.
  • justinhatchett
    GOMAD and Stronglifts 5x5. Super easy - add a gallon of WHOLE milk to your diet EVERY DAY for a month, and start lifting heavy. The stronglifts program is free online, just google it! Your school gym will have the squat rack you need. Once you start you will get addicted to the feeling of being strong and eating big!
  • FoxyLifter
    FoxyLifter Posts: 965 Member
    GOMAD and Stronglifts 5x5. Super easy - add a gallon of WHOLE milk to your diet EVERY DAY for a month, and start lifting heavy. The stronglifts program is free online, just google it! Your school gym will have the squat rack you need. Once you start you will get addicted to the feeling of being strong and eating big!

    I agree with the Stronglifts suggestion, but the gallon of milk per day for 30 days sounds extreme.

    OP, just increase your protein (0.8-1.2g per pound of lean body mass) and lift heavy things. Check out iifym.com.
  • OverDoIt
    OverDoIt Posts: 332 Member
    If you want to get big you have to eat big. Red meat, whole milk, oat meal, eggs, white sticky rice, and chicken. Drink fruit juice for extra calories. Some people here may scoff at my sugestions. I was 5,9" 150lbs. and an alcoholic. In 2 years time I have put on 70 lbs. of mostly muscle and I am currenlty at 12% body fat. Now, alot of that has to do with muscle memory from my past lifting. But I have done the same for others. The food you eat is more important than any lifting you do at this stage of the game. Do not rely on supplement companies and their false advertising claims. Most if not all of the physiques you see in bodybuilding magazines are enhanced with steroids, and drugs. You are playing a game of inches, strength and size are measured in time. Slow to grow is the right way to go. And remember, if it jiggles, it's fat. Good luck to you young man, do not let anything stand in you way.
  • Kittyvicious1
    Kittyvicious1 Posts: 190 Member
    Rice and beans!
  • Ophidion
    Ophidion Posts: 2,065 Member
    Eat like a beast and train like a beast. (within reason, as in don't overtrain or shoot yourself into obesity)



    Recommend getting your hands on a copy of starting strength and watch as many videos on form as possible.

    Google calorie/nutrient dense foods.

    Join this group as they are a great source of info on many subjects including the help you are searching for...


    ETA: Don't skip legs day :wink: