Online dating during weight loss

So I wasn't sure where to post this even though I have been on MFP for over a year. I made a "new" profile to post a question. I have so many people I know on my real one that I don't want them to know what I'm going though. Okay so I have lost about 60 pounds in a year. Started around 285 current 225 or a little higher. I'm five foot right and carrying weight very well. And I'm in my early 20s btw.

Okay so I have been single for a couple of years now and never dated a lot so I thought I would give online dating a try. I joined POF. Guys are always messaging me telling me I'm pretty/beautiful or I'm just what they are looking for don't know how much of that is really real or not. So I'm getting plenty of guys that are interested. But what worries me is my body. Yes I am more confident with clothes on but it scares me to death the thought of a guy seeing me undressed. To the point that I don't even want to go on dates because once the relationship gets to that point I will want to run and hide.

I guess I'm looking for maybe what others have went though with online dating or advice on what I should do. Or if you have any online dating stories, tips or secrets to tell please do!