Sugars in Fruits

So, I was browsing the internet and I came accross a video saying that the sugars in fruits can be bad for weight loss. It said that fruits are good in moderation, but I should stop eating it when the clock hits 2pm. Now, I tried to do that, but I always get hungry around 2-3pm, so it's really hard to grab a healthy snack that isn't fruit (I did not even last 3 days). So I just wanted to clarify, should I not eat fruits in the evening, or is it okay? Thanks in advance!


  • FittyNotFattie2014
    Sugar in fruit are better than sugars from a candy bar or some other processed food. It won't cause a spike in blood sugar as much as something like a candy bar would because there is other stuff in it that will make it a more steady source, such as fiber. There is also a different amount of sugar in different fruits... typically berries are the lowest in sugar. You can google the glycemic index of them if you want to know a number. Eating a lot of carbs late in the day like for dinner isn't the best idea unless you are working out at night, but you should be okay around 2. Hope that helps some! :)
  • maxrain
    slow down the absorption of sugars by ensuring you have proteins with it.

    simple sugars found in fruit is the preferred carbohydrate by the body. glycemic values also affect how fast they are absorbed. check out for good glycemic info.