200 + lbs to Lose Support

mmaccree Posts: 9
edited September 21 in Motivation and Support
Hello All...

Well I'm fairly new to MFP, but so far already love the setup and the great support I've found here. However I'm in an entirely different boat, so to speak. I have more than 200 lbs to lose and I'm wondering if there are any others out there in the same boat as me.

Hoping to find support and encouragement from some people that have a ways to go like me. Thanks.



  • WTG Monica,

    I'm new to this website, just started this week. The thing I like is it makes you accountable to what one puts into their mouth. My immediate goal is 40lbs, but in the end, I would like to take off 75 to 100pds total. Small increments of 10lbs at a time I guess. Good luck with what you are doing and stay vigilent. It is all worth it in the end.

  • Levahna
    Levahna Posts: 132
    Welcome!! This is an amazing place for support!! I may not have quite as much to lose but started out wanting to lose over 100 and after that I'll see how I feel. Gonna add you and maybe we can support each other through this journey!
  • You can do anything if you set your mind to doing it. Set small goals for yourself that are obtainable. When you reach those goals reward yourself with something you love. I quit smoking eight months ago in addition to trying to lose weight and I reward myself every payday with something. It may be a shirt, going out to dinner, or a pedicure. I would also suggest finding a form of exercise that you enjoy. That way it will not seem so much like work. You will get there I am certain of it.

    Good Luck

  • Thanks everyone for your words of encouragement.

    I'm extremely motivated to lose this weight once and for all and NEVER to find it again! :-)

    I have set small 10 lbs increment goals for myself...it doesn't seem so daunting to say I have 24 mini goals to reach.

    I have already met 2 of those mini goals, so I'm well on my way and approaching mini goal # 3!! Feel free to add me...I hope to be of encouragement to all of you as well!
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