Please help!!! Detox emergency



  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    As a lot of other forum members wrote; don't panic. Just continue and stick to your diet.

    If you've followed your diet strictly it can actually have affected your metabolism in a positive way.

    Regarding detox it can be a good weapon to use now and then, if you do it right (basing the diet on ecological vegetables, wild caught fish, alcalized water, ecologica green tea etc). The one´s with just shakes, skip it.

    A straight detox for 5-7 days can clear your body from waste products and getting your protein synthesis and insulin sensitivity on the right track. This will make your body answer even better on your following diet.

    LOL, what?

    *edit to bold the lolly part

    LOLx10 Apparantly Detox is ok if it is *the right one* Screw your Body's Detox system, Thats Old School, try this new Lemon, Bitter root and toe jam from an old Okinowan womans feet cleanse. It's Dr Oz & Beyonce approved!:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    No really, detoxes get your protein synthesis "back on track"

    Sod DNA..... it's detoxes that tell RNA what to do now.... I guess they bully their way into your cells and tell DNA to STFU and then start bossing the RNA about telling them which amino acids to assemble into proteins....

    One thing's for sure..... I do not ever, ever, EVER want any Dr Oz style quackery messing with my protein synthesis... that sounds like something out of a cheap horror movie....
  • ausheli
    ausheli Posts: 43 Member
    Cool story bro...needs more raspberry ketones!!! :)