finding it hard

Because i'm a mothe of a 2yr old, and we are always on the go. I'm finding it very hard for me to get all my calories in for the day. Does, anybody have any advice. There are day's where I miss lunch, but i have a snack, and then eat dinner. Like today, i had a really light breakfast, missed lunch, had a granola bar for a snack, and then tonight, i think i'm gonna make some egg noodles, and use some the homemade chicken broth i made the other day. but i'm still no where near my calorie intake. help please??


  • jac2lyn
    I get that you are always on the go, try packing some carrot sticks and celery in a sandwich bag, this is healthy and you can eat it on the go along with the granola bar. Other ideas would be to pack some lunches for yourself the night before. So a sandwich you can grab in a hurry or something along those lines. When does your 2 year old eat? Try to eat at the same time. You need to make time for you!!!
  • bekkyhughes
    Try having a larger breakfast, maybe dippy eggs and soliders (your 2 year old will be happy to).
  • andreahanlon
    andreahanlon Posts: 263 Member
    When I have time, I will measure out 5 or 6 one ounce servings of almonds, put them in ziplock bags, and stick them in my purse (or in my desk at work, or in my car, ... you get the idea). They are 150 calories per serving and have calcium and good fat.

    Maybe you could do something like the example above? When you do have time, stock up your purse or car or keep snacks in the stroller. If you're not into measuring things, you could probably grab a box of granola bars or a few single serving boxes of raisins... things like that which will last and are very quick and easy.
  • boogie17
    boogie17 Posts: 103 Member
    My son eat's around 12-1pm for lunch. i think i am going to have start making lunches the night before for me, and getting a cooler to store them in my truck.
  • skdk833
    skdk833 Posts: 51 Member
    Is it possible to have someone watch the baby and make some quick grab meals that you can take on the go? Stuff some celery with peanut butter, cheese sticks, gogurts (freeze them so they stay in the car), etc.

    Also, if you know your days are going to be filled it is important to get a good breakfast that won't crash quickly. I love making overnight oatmeal. I put the family to bed and use my crockpot to make the oatmeal. I use 1 cup steel oats to 4 1/2 cups water. Cook on low overnight. To sweeten if you like your oatmeal sweet, try a small amount of honey, brown sugar, or even applesauce (chunky) if you don't have time to cut up fruit. You can also pre-make an egg sandwich that will reheat in a minute or two in the microwave.

    Also, pre-make smoothies and freeze for on the go. I like a lot of different variations, but strawberrie banana made with non fat vanilla yogurt is my go-to.

    Last but not least, I will eat an apple with peanut butter, 1/2 english muffin with peanut butter, or almonds in the evening if I haven't reached a calorie intake that I am comfortable with. Good Luck. It takes time, but if you pre-make some items it will definetely help.
  • boogie17
    boogie17 Posts: 103 Member
    Thank you for all ur help!!
  • BigGail
    BigGail Posts: 465 Member
    Chill out for a bit and have a carpet picnic with your 2 yr old!
    Also, let the little one "help" with the cooking - my little girl loves bashing the garlic for a bolognese, pouring things in the scale for me and we always have a tub filled with apple and carrot "snips".
    I also let her put things on crackers for mummy - give her a plate with cheese, whatever and tell her to make a big tower for mummy.
    Ready brek or dippy eggs is a winner for breakfast for sure.
    Good luck hun x