breastfeeding and exercising

I am not really focused on loosing wt. I am 5'5" I started at 200 lost 20 of baby wt and have shrunk down to 160s in 1.5 months just breastfeeding with active lifestyle. Today I weigh 159.6 but my energy gets low and my stomach is sooooo loose. My NP initially told me to do light exercise to bring my muscles back together and the "hole" now is gone, but my abs are weak and my skin is flabby so I am hoping to monitor my food and exercise for optimal muscle growth and energy without upsetting my milk supply. It would be nice to loose 10 lbs and to grow a big back side. So if anyone has any ideas on growing butt size and muscles let me know :)


  • mia0606
    mia0606 Posts: 12 Member
    I would say add in weight training 3x/week
  • Maybe climbing stairs or using a stair stepper machine?
    I too lost loads with BFing, in fact it got me to my lowest BMI ever without worrying about food. But was also carrying my baby in a sling so it was hard work, plus running after a toddler. Best exercise programme ever (;
  • Barbell squats will make your butt look amazing and strengthen your core so I would definitely make that a major part of your routine. Make sure you're eating enough to gain muscle and not cut into milk production, too few calories can cause issues. This is a good calculator to give you an idea of how much you should be eating:
  • BeachGingerOnTheRocks
    BeachGingerOnTheRocks Posts: 3,927 Member
    For milk supply while not eating at a surplus, make sure you're hydrated. Dehydration also impacts supply.

    As for core, once the "hole" is gone, you can engage in all sorts of core strengthening exercises.

    For your backside, barbell squats, straight legged deadlifts, good mornings, leg curl, glute-ham raise, and lunges (because the gluteus minimus and thighs need worked as well). Oh, and sprints will also help the glutes.

    Have at it new momma!