Lifting Schedule (kinda long!)

Cross-posted from another group, but it's pretty quiet so I figured I'd ask the general population :wink:

Bear with me, it's going to be a long one!

I have a question.. and I'd love to know what you all think!

Last week I started a great program (oh wait, my immediate goal - I want to lose as many inches in the next few weeks before I go on a cruise - and I love to lift so this is fun!) - it's through Muscle and Strength and it's the 6 Day Weight/Cardio Cutting Workout.

I got almost all the way through last week but I was so sore (and with a chicken-pox-ridden child), I fell asleep on the couch before I could get my workout in on Friday. Saturday was my scheduled rest day, and boy did I rest. Sunday I was supposed to be back at it, but I just didn't have it in me. So we're back to Monday.

Aside from this program, I take 3 women's fitness/taekwondo classes a week. I wear my HRM and burn anywhere between 650 and 800 calories a class (and I eat back 80% of those calories). So, by the weekend, I was pretty beat up.

Now, for my question - would it be ok if I were to combine a few days of the lifting routine? The way it's laid out currently -
Monday - Chest & Tri's
Tuesday - Cardio/Abs (but I go to the TKD class)
Wednesday - Back/Bi's
Thursday - Cardio/Abs but again it's TKD night
Friday - Legs/Shoulders
Saturday - Rest
Sunday - Cardio/Abs but it's TKD night.

Would it be overkill or detrimental if I combine 2 of the sessions, and give myself an extra rest day, mid-week? I was horribly sore. And I'm not brand new to all of this, I've been taking the classes for a year and I was doing Stronglifts, as well as the Beautiful Badass (neither of them lasted though).

My thoughts:

Monday - Chest/Tri/Back/Bi
Tuesday - TKD or Cardio/Abs
Wednesday - Rest
Thursday - TKD or Cardio/Abs
Friday - Legs/Shoulders/Abs/Cardio?
Saturday - Rest
Sunday - TKD

Any comments/critique? (I'm not one to get butt-hurt either, so lay it on me!)


  • Leadfoot_Lewis
    Leadfoot_Lewis Posts: 1,623 Member
    Unless you're a very advanced lifter, you shouldn't be doing a split. If you want to keep doing all the cardio, I'd switch to a good Full Body lifting routine X2-3/week.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    Unless you're a very advanced lifter, you shouldn't be doing a split. If you want to keep doing all the cardio, I'd switch to a good Full Body lifting routine X2-3/week.

  • kr1stadee
    kr1stadee Posts: 1,774 Member
    Unless you're a very advanced lifter, you shouldn't be doing a split. If you want to keep doing all the cardio, I'd switch to a good Full Body lifting routine X2-3/week.


    Yea? Sounds a little less intense, and I'm kinda liking that idea!!
