
Hi.......I went to the gym on Saturday and ended up with this terrible pain from my right buttock all the way down to the back of my calf.I had a lower back problem before hand and was told by the doctor after X-rays that it was arthritis.This pain is debilitating made another appt to see a orthopedist in a few days I am so frustrated and tired of this pain.Will I ever get rid of this pain I'm so worried.


  • Dori_Gaga
    Dori_Gaga Posts: 50 Member
    What worked for me was using a topical cream with capsaicin in it. You can find it in any drug store or the pharmacy in Wal-Mart. Capsaicin is the active ingredient in peppers, that makes them hot, and it basically temporarily paralyses the nerve cells.

    My pain was from a torn muscle in my back that healed poorly and left me with scar tissue, and MONTHS of pain shooting up and down my left leg. Standing, sitting, laying down, hot and cold compresses, a bottle of extra strength advil every week... nothing alleviated it. This was the only thing that took the pain away.

    If you try it, read and follow the instructions very carefully. It does get hot, and even after the heat wears off, if you are someplace hot, you'll feel it heat up again. And don't get it on your hands. Capsaicin is an oil and it doesn't wash off easily, so if you get it on your hands and end up with it in your eyes, you'll be at emerge. But if you're careful with it and use it right, it can be a lifesaver.

    The one I used was actually for arthritis. I think it was from Rub A535. It's been a while because my back did eventually heal enough that I don't have the pain any more.

    Here's some more information on it:

    Good luck! Back pain is the worst, I hope you feel better soon!
  • threshkreen
    threshkreen Posts: 79 Member
    Well, it seems to me that if you know you have back issues that you make sure you are not doing anything that impacts your back - hire a trainer for one session.

    Several thoughts - I used to get sciatica pain after heavy squatting. Turns out I have one leg shorter than the other and the one bearing most of the weights was the side that got sore.

    You can try using a roller on your buttocks and down your thigh, but the best thing is go to an orthopedic doctor. If your sciatica is chronic he may refer you for physical therapy and, if you get a good one, they are the ones that heal you. They watch you walk, how you carry yourself and provide exercises to strengthen assistance muscles. After dealing with this pain for a year or so and going to several doctors I finally went to a PT who noticed the leg issue right away.

    Good luck - it is annoying, but I would definitely go to a professional. Also, for me....the eliptical machine is instant sore lower back. I have short arms and if the machines are too big, i.e. I have to reach too far holding the handles and end up bending forward, it is murder on my back. I used to have better luck on an arc machine and lucky for me my gym just got 4 new arc machines with swinging handles and they seem to be sized in such a manner than you can compensate for short arms....much better.

    Take care. One last piece of advice - if you are new to a gym, truly hire a trainer for a couple sessions to be sure you are positioning yourself correctly on both resistance machines and while using free weights. I've seen so much bad form in a gym I don't understand why I see the same people all the time and why they aren't hurt or limping yet!:smile:
  • Ctrum69
    Ctrum69 Posts: 308 Member
    It happened all of a sudden?

    Does something feel out of joint?

    I have found the Egoscue exercises for low back pain to be INCREDIBLY helpful for low back issues, including sciatica flareups when it occurs. (I had a low back injury years ago, which still occasionally gets uppity).
  • jen_fitnhappy
    jen_fitnhappy Posts: 102 Member
    What worked for me was using a topical cream with capsaicin in it. You can find it in any drug store or the pharmacy in Wal-Mart. Capsaicin is the active ingredient in peppers, that makes them hot, and it basically temporarily paralyses the nerve cells.

    My pain was from a torn muscle in my back that healed poorly and left me with scar tissue, and MONTHS of pain shooting up and down my left leg. Standing, sitting, laying down, hot and cold compresses, a bottle of extra strength advil every week... nothing alleviated it. This was the only thing that took the pain away.

    If you try it, read and follow the instructions very carefully. It does get hot, and even after the heat wears off, if you are someplace hot, you'll feel it heat up again. And don't get it on your hands. Capsaicin is an oil and it doesn't wash off easily, so if you get it on your hands and end up with it in your eyes, you'll be at emerge. But if you're careful with it and use it right, it can be a lifesaver.

    The one I used was actually for arthritis. I think it was from Rub A535. It's been a while because my back did eventually heal enough that I don't have the pain any more.

    Here's some more information on it:

    Good luck! Back pain is the worst, I hope you feel better soon!

    ^^^ THIS!!

    Helped my husband tremendously! He has degenerative disk disease, herniations, and spinal stenosis. A recent sciatica flare up led us back to capsaicin. Capsaicin helps when his prescribed pain medication does not, believe it or not! He uses Capsaicin HP (high potency). Just be sure to wear latex gloves when applying.
  • echoslug
    echoslug Posts: 73 Member
    I suffered from sciatica until just recently brought on by high intensity exercise and poor posture. It is incredibly frustrating!

    What I found worked for me - targeted acupuncture on a low pulse helped reduce inflammation of the surrounding muscle and reduce pain.

    Hanging from a bar and doing wrist curls - not trying to actually raise myself, just engaging the muscles, then relaxing- helped straighten and loosen my spine which relieved the pressure on the nerve.

    I also found that once the pain had stopped being chronic biking didn't cause any acute pain so I switched to biking 4x week to get cardio.