

  • twixlepennie
    twixlepennie Posts: 1,074 Member
    Good Morning MFP Peeps!

    I’m sure we all know someone who’s had either Gastric Bypass, Lap band or the Gastric Sleeve surgery. With that being said:

    What is your take on weight loss surgery??

    Have you ever considered having weight loss surgery??

    Did you ever have the surgery yourself??

    I know three people who have had it done-two (women) are now heavier than what they started at, before surgery. The third one (male) has done well with it and is maintaining the loss.

    For me personally-I have no view on it other than it seems pretty hard core, when there's other options available (and the cost-ouch!).

    I lost around 60lbs and I'm now maintaining that loss, by learning about portion sizes and calories (I did alternate day IF for weight loss, which is an unconventional calorie restricted plan). Cost wise it was free, since I got all my info online/library books :) I'm big on cheap lol.
  • Debbjones
    Debbjones Posts: 278 Member
    I have two family members that had the sleeve... it is not the end all fix to eating problems or weight loss. This surgery was done a couple of years ago and every day is still a struggle to maintain or lose. The desire to eat does not go away, weight returns on top of new/added eating concerns. I don't believe they would recommend anyone go in for the surgery they had...
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    I had the gastric sleeve surgery this past June. I had to do a medically supervised weight loss program before my surgery. All told I am down over 150 lbs, with probably about 40 lbs left to go. So far I think it's the best decision I've ever made. I am not suffering from nutritional deficiencies (yes I have extensive lab work done every few months to make sure). I receive excellent follow-up care from my surgeon and his team, including a dietician and exercise physiologist. I've had a very easy recovery, no problems with nausea, throwing up, any of the horror stories that people like to spread about wls.
    It's definitely not for everyone. As the saying goes, they operate on your stomach, not your brain. If you aren't willing to commit to serious diet and lifestyle changes after surgery, it's not a good choice for you. The surgery (sleeve in my case) just gives you the tool you need to be effective in sticking with that commitment.
    For those who say it doesn't have a good success rate and want to tell stories about their cousin's niece's hairdresser who gained all her weight back or has to have a feeding tube or whatever -- cite me some actual studies that prove it's not as successful as the "old fashioned" way. Not just anecdotal stories about random people. Here's a story that references just the most recent study to say that weight loss surgery is far more effective than trying to do it "on your own::
    For anyone who says it is cheating - I wasn't aware there are rules about how to get healthy. Again, citation please :laugh:
    I would never advocate that anyone have this or any other weight loss surgery, just because the decision is such an intensely personal one. But for anyone who might be considering it, look for facts -- pro and con -- while deciding. Not stories from internet randoms (including me, I'm an internet random too -- go do some actual research!).

    This forum isn't a research paper or investigative journalism. Sharing anecdotes is accepted.
  • 40andFindingFitness
    My friend had gastric bypass surgery, she died within a week due to complications. This left two very young little girls with no mother. Scared me enough I got myself under control. I lost 74 lbs with exercise and proper eating. Gained 26 lbs back setting in hospitals for several years and the stress of my parents being ill but have work most of it back off.

    Wow, sorry to hear about your friend. That's awful.
  • shirleygirl910
    shirleygirl910 Posts: 503 Member
    Unfortunately our society thrives on the horror/gorry stories. I had Lap band, then had it converted to Gastric Sleeve. I have my story too. What it did for me was get me to a place I have never been before. I have always been dramatically overweight. Growing up and in adulthood I was discriminated against for my weight. I am treated very different now.

    I'm still in the "overweight" category, but I feel so much better!! Now my focus is to keep it off, and make it better. I don't measure by the scale so much as I do my clothes and the things I can accomplish. I had originally gotten down to 185 and size 14. I was overjoyed. Then when they converted my lapband to a sleeve I went up to 230 because I could finally eat. Since then I have had to learn the "old fashioned" way of life, calories in calories out, using exercise for calories out. In my experience exercise has been the best solution and second eating properly. I now am 196 wearing the same size 14 clothes as I did at 185 but the clothes are actually loser. I'm gaining muscle and losing fat. Muscle takes up less space. I'm loving this, but it is a daily fight. Surgery helped me, but I still had to obey the basic eating properly and exercise.
  • gurlygirlrcr80
    gurlygirlrcr80 Posts: 162 Member
    I had gastric bypass and it was the best decision I ever made. I think that if you have the means to do it and you need it, go for it. Did you know that the chance of weight regain in both surgical and non-surgical patients in the 5-10 year mark is the same in both groups of people? So the people who lost weight without surgical intervention...good for you, but it doesn't make you immune either. There is a reason why we were over weight and that issue will always be a part of who you are. Some of us couldn't lose weight without medical assistance and I used to be thin my whole life and super athletic. I had a 6 pack of abs and a fantastic body and was a high level college athlete!! I got depressed when I lost my mother and gained 160 pounds. I had tried for 5 years to lose weight alone and could only get off 40 lbs and i would gain it back. So...with that said. I don't regret it 1 bit, i have ZERO health issues now and I feel fantastic and I'm crying all the way into my small jeans that you think i'm a cheater! haha! Live your life and choose your own path because life is too short to be mad at someone else for doing something you cant do for one reason or another. That goes for both sides...
  • sjp_511
    sjp_511 Posts: 476 Member
    Of all the people that I know that have had weight loss surgery, probably slightly more than half have gained it back. It seems like the ones that have gained it back were the ones looking for the quick fix and weren't ready for the lifetime commitment of changing their lifestyle and eating habits. However, I don't live with any of these people and I am not entirely aware of all of their reasons for getting the surgery and why they failed (or why the ones that succeeded did).

    Years before I met my husband his mother had weight loss surgery. I only met her 8-10 years after surgery. She is a private person so I don't want to tell her story over the internet for all to see. But she did suffer some pretty horrible side affects after surgery. And life after surgery was no walk in the park. She lost a lot of weight rather quickly then it started to come back. She had to continue to practice portion control to maintain her weight. Even with all the struggles she has gone through, my MIL and the rest of my husbands family are very thankful for her weight loss surgery.