That thing I ate made me feel like crap! Share!

Joyjmb Posts: 221 Member
edited September 21 in Motivation and Support
Today my coworker was headed out for lunch and I gave him $1
and said "Ooh, get me a chicken sandwich.'
You know the one.
BLEGH!! I've spent the afternoon with a lump in my gut.
That $1 was NOT worth feeling like this.

What have YOU eaten that made you feel like crap!?


  • summerblunden
    summerblunden Posts: 184 Member
    Chocolate Cupcake. Birthday at work, we always have some sort of sweet (which is why I am where I am, lol!). It tasted fabulous, and then 20 minutes later, sugar COMA. Not worth it!!
  • Binki
    Binki Posts: 13
    Any Fast food hamburgers! They are no good and not worth the heavy feeling in the gut.
  • udallmom101
    udallmom101 Posts: 564 Member
    I know that chicken sandwich well! I tried to eat some Fried Chicken I made a week or so back, but I couldn't even get through the little piece I had. It's amazing what my body rejects now.
  • bbygrl5
    bbygrl5 Posts: 964 Member
    I used to love Papa John's pizza, but since turning whole-foodie, it makes me soooo sick! They use fresh ingredients too. Their pizza is pretty good quality, but I eat about 1/2 a slice now and my stomach turns. I'm not sure if I like this or not, but either way, I know it's better for me. :)
  • wiseg2
    wiseg2 Posts: 210 Member
    I can't remember that last thing I ate that made me feel like crap but last night my husband was eating a sandwich so I asked for a bite. And I regretted that one bite. The lunch meat was so salty I spent the next 15 minutes drinking water and swishing it around trying to get the taste out.
  • Oh my, A few weekends ago my boyfriend and I went to stay at his grandmas with his mom to visit. The whole weekend we ate taco soup, boiled shrimp, and shrimp & crab stew. Sooooo much sodium and they didn't have any water (i don't drink the tap in that area, its gross) so when i came home i felt MISERABLE like I weighed 20 pounds heavier. I did weigh in and i had "gained" 3lbs from all the bloating. Took me nearly a week to flush it all out, Bleh.
  • Crystleen
    Crystleen Posts: 81 Member
    Mexican Food @ lunch today. BLAH I feel like I've gained all my weight back! No bueno!
  • Mindful_Trent
    Mindful_Trent Posts: 3,954 Member
    Pretty much ANY candy. It disgusts me to think how often I used to grab a reese's PB cup when I was in the grocery line. Some days I would grab two...or three. Or a Reese's and something else. :embarassed: I totally believe in moderation, but candy is one thing I have decided to cut out of my life completely. It isn't healthy at all, and all that sugar makes me feel sick. It's so not worth it.
  • The Alice Springs Chicken at the Outback I had about 4 weeks ago. 30 minutes later I felt like it was sitting in my stomach like a brick. Not to mention it did not taste good enough to push me 800 calories over my limit that day!
  • kennedar
    kennedar Posts: 306 Member
    The Coke Zero I drank yesterday. Sure it was calorie free but the taste of the fake sugars were just not worth it! Since regular pop is out most of the time, I am going to stick with water from now on. Plus I totally craved real sugar like 10 minutes later to get rid of the taste.
  • Those giant apple fritters from Lamar's Doughnuts, you know the ones that are as big as your head and glazed with sugar. I used to love those, now if I put that much sugar in my stomach at once, I feel like I went one too many turns on the Tilt-o-Whirl... uuggghhh!
  • lloydrt
    lloydrt Posts: 1,121 Member
    joy, you ask

    What have YOU eaten that made you feel like crap!?

    Anything my ex mother in law threw at me.........take your pick, ........good luck
  • Last week my 2 yr old was asking for ice cream. I hadn't eaten ice cream in like 3 weeks and I had started this program in the meantime. So we stopped at Sonic and I ordered 2 small chocolate shakes which are 14 oz. each. I drank mine and it was SO GOOD! But later I felt like crap from all the sugar. So when she was done with hers, I threw her leftovers away. I couldn't even look at he cup. Not to mention that one little cup was 540 calories! Haven't had the urge for another ice cream since...
  • Just drank half a can of sprite and my stomach is on FIRE. The carbonation is giving me intense burning pains in my tummy. YUCK!
  • makeitallsue
    makeitallsue Posts: 3,086 Member
    My grandsons tatertots tonight...he just loves them...I baked some up for him...added some kechup and then he decided he didn't want them....there were only 8 of them...but I didn't want to waste I threw them on my salad I was having...I started burping them up about 7pm and haven't stopped tummy feels pretty gross...not sure if it was the tatertot or the ketchup...I usually don't have =either of them:frown:
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