Fat days VS Slim days

Soooo, so far I've lost 28 pounds, which is great. I have about 47 more to go to be at my tentative goal of 180. (I'm 5'11"). Some days, I look in the mirror, and I'm all, yeah, I am looking better, I can really tell a difference. On other days, I look in the mirror,(wearing the same clothes as always, mind you), and I'm like sheesh! Look at that muffin top! lol Anybody else have mental fat days and slim days?


  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,742 Member
    yeah definitely. But I've had that at my heaviest and at my (current) lightest weights. I always thought it was just part of being female ;-) And I know some men experience it as well.
  • walkinthedogs
    walkinthedogs Posts: 238 Member
    Same here. But I have noticed I'm having more slim feeling days than not so slim feeling days, so I just keep at it cause the slim feeling days are awesome. I have a couple shirts that some days I can wear and feel good in and other days, it just feels like the shirt is hanging on my fat rolls, so I can't wear it. Hang in there though and let those slim feeling days carry you through the not so slim feeling days.