Calories burned in Zumba

Does anyone know how many calories you typically burn in a Zumba class? I just started and I am trying to figure it out. I do know that I breathe heavier during Zumba than just running or doing the elliptical.


  • jjennyb4
    jjennyb4 Posts: 1,581 Member
    Go to it will help you figure it out.
  • u2caniac
    u2caniac Posts: 6 Member
    I wear my HRM to gauge calories burned. I can easily burn from 350-550 calories (depending on intensity).
  • Funny, I did my first Zumba class last Monday and found it no where close as effective as being on the elliptical etc. I did sweat but just didn't feel like I got enough out of it.
  • gillsta_21
    gillsta_21 Posts: 73 Member
    I always wear my HRM to Zumba class and burn anywhere from 550-700 an hour, depending on the instructor and how much effort I put in.
  • monikagiesbrecht
    monikagiesbrecht Posts: 194 Member
    I do Zumba for the Wii, and i read online i think it all depends on how hard you actually work at it. For me I did medium intensity and for half hour it was 375 Calories. But depends on Body size, height and everything.
  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    Zumba burns about half the calories you would burn running for the same length of time. So a quick and dirty way to estimate is figure out how far you can run in the length of time the class lasts, punch that into MFP, and then divide the number in half.
  • monikagiesbrecht
    monikagiesbrecht Posts: 194 Member
    Really? I find in Zumba I feel that I am working ALOT harder and I sweat more and I feel alot more tired after that!
  • UmmSqueaky
    UmmSqueaky Posts: 715 Member
    It depends on so many things - the instructor, the routine, how much intensity you put into it. I've gone to classes were I don't even break a sweat, classes were the choreography is too complicated and I can't follow along, thus don't get a good work out and classes where I'm bouncing and exhausted at the end. It's all 60 minutes of zumba, but I sure as heck burn a different amount in each of those classes. A HRM is really the only way to get an accurate calculation.
  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    I wear my HRM to gauge calories burned. I can easily burn from 350-550 calories (depending on intensity).

    Same for me.