just beginning...lots to loose!

I wanted to introduce myself! I am totally depressed because I don't fit in ANY of my clothes....even the fat girl clothes I have bought this year. This weekend was a eye opener for me...I wouldn't go to a family party for my mother-in-law because I'm ashamed of how I've let myself go.
I guess enough is enough. Unfortunately, I have said this before....and then done nothing (except get fatter). So, here I am and I'm going to really do this!!! :bigsmile:


  • kkmalay
    kkmalay Posts: 88 Member
    welcome to the beginning of a crazy journey, so glad you found this site, all the best for the weeks and months to come :)
  • urgirlworksout
    urgirlworksout Posts: 25 Member
    welcome to mfp n the begginning of a messy journey, u may encounter some ups and downs but keep at it, consistency is key.
  • Therealobi1
    Therealobi1 Posts: 3,262 Member
    welcome. when you are really ready you will make the changes.
    1. log everything you eat so you can see where you can make changes for the best
    2. start some type of exercise. exercise i now realise does makes you feel better. you also will get stronger to0. you tube has loads of exercises. fitnessblender.com and hasfit.com also great websites
    3. Use one of your fav outfits that no longer fit as a way of tracking your progress.
    4.Be patient and do not give up whatever bad day you have along the way.

    good luck.
  • jlshea
    jlshea Posts: 494 Member
    I am in the same situation. Lets do this so we can start living again, life is too short to be unhappy.
  • JohnsElan
    Add mee!