What would you do about super loud upstairs neighbor?

My upstairs neighbor lives at night, she stomps and slams everything around! What would you do?
I kindly spoke with her and the management office, I had to put in a formal complaint as of today to get her to cover the floors in carpets. I kindda feel bad but her loudness is so disturbing!


  • Sinisterly
    Sinisterly Posts: 10,913 Member
    Liquid *kitten*.

    You have no other choice.

    Fumigate the pest.
  • bperkins88
    bperkins88 Posts: 357 Member
    Liquid *kitten*.

    You have no other choice.

    Fumigate the pest.

    You should probably bake her some brownies using chocolate x-lax
  • tzig00
    tzig00 Posts: 875 Member
    My downstairs neighbor lived at night and my kids were up by 9am. My kids would just walk around the house and she'd be banging on her ceiling to get them to stop. She made so many complaints and I got so many letters about my kids walking about at all hours of the day that they had me move to another unit because she was there first.
  • SpeSHul_SnoflEHk
    SpeSHul_SnoflEHk Posts: 6,256 Member
    I just solved a similar issue. I had a 2 grey squirrels, a black squirrel, and a red squirrel that had moved into my attic. They would have little racial fights all night long. I finally found where they were getting in, and blocked it to prevent them from reentering, and for those that didn't get locked out, I left some rodent poison laying around in the attic for them.

    I haven't heard anything since. You could try that.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    My upstairs neighbor lives at night, she stomps and slams everything around! What would you do?
    I kindly spoke with her and the management office, I had to put in a formal complaint as of today to get her to cover the floors in carpets. I kindda feel bad but her loudness is so disturbing!
    My friend is dealing with this exact issue. She bought a house and is moving out. lol
  • KristinaB83
    KristinaB83 Posts: 440 Member
    Heh... I sometimes feel bad for the people downstairs because I'm usually up more at night. I have carpets, and it's not like I'm blasting music and jumping up and down. There's nothing I can do about it. It's just something you have to deal with if you choose to live next to other people.
  • WannabeStressFree
    WannabeStressFree Posts: 340 Member
    I understand random noises, but she does junp and stomp, it's crazy! I don't mind noise really, but waking up with my heart beating after a loud crash, not cool, I think.
  • alienaliens
    alienaliens Posts: 64 Member
    My upstairs neighbor is the same. I moved in here from a luxury apartment that had rules 24 hours a day about noise, and found out this complex has a noise level down at 10:00 p.m. He does not comply. I have made three complaints to management, they said call the police. I called the police once - the police couldn't even get him to hear the knocks on his downstairs door. I left him two notes in his mail box. This dip stick did P90X at 1:30 in the morning. How did I know it was P90X - cause I heard it. My lease is up in October, I'm running like hell away from here. There is a site to leave a review for this complex - management is gonna get it when I leave!
  • KristinaB83
    KristinaB83 Posts: 440 Member
    I understand random noises, but she does junp and stomp, it's crazy! I don't mind noise really, but waking up with my heart beating after a loud crash, not cool, I think.

    The jumping and stomping at night is a bit odd.
  • HelloAmbie
    HelloAmbie Posts: 46 Member
    She might not actually being as loud as you think. My downstairs neighbor at my last apartment would pound on the ceiling when my cat would jump on and off the couch to the floor. She would come to my door and say "What the hell are you doing? Dancing up here?!" When I would walk down a certain hallway she would pound on the ceiling. She put in tons of complaints, but there was nothing I could do. Stop walking after 10? It was the building, not me. Very annoying. You have to expect stuff like that if you live in an apartment, unfortunately.
  • alienaliens
    alienaliens Posts: 64 Member
    I understand random noises, but she does junp and stomp, it's crazy! I don't mind noise really, but waking up with my heart beating after a loud crash, not cool, I think.

    My neighbor does the same, and my *kitten* is too old to be scared from the sound of a 30 pound weight being dropped to the floor at midnight
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I understand random noises, but she does junp and stomp, it's crazy! I don't mind noise really, but waking up with my heart beating after a loud crash, not cool, I think.
    I had upstairs neighbors who were doing something -- ALL THE TIME -- and I don't know what, but I would have sworn they were bowling. I had different neighbors when I moved in and I could hear their dogs running around sometimes, but otherwise they were pretty quiet. I have no idea what was going on with the second set of neighbors. It was odd.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    Since we are not nocturnal creatures per se, I think it would not be out of line to expect to be able to sleep at night. I'd do something about it. If a note on her door doesn't change things. Go to the next step.
  • Sinisterly
    Sinisterly Posts: 10,913 Member
    I understand random noises, but she does junp and stomp, it's crazy! I don't mind noise really, but waking up with my heart beating after a loud crash, not cool, I think.
    I had upstairs neighbors who were doing something -- ALL THE TIME -- and I don't know what, but I would have sworn they were bowling. I had different neighbors when I moved in and I could hear their dogs running around sometimes, but otherwise they were pretty quiet. I have no idea what was going on with the second set of neighbors. It was odd.
    Some people just need to be chained to a tree and left there.
    Anyway, in all seriousness.. Some "neighbors" just don't care until noise affects them personally. Sad, but true.
    I had neighbors that would bicker all night and their damned dog would be left alone to cry at 3 in the morning... No matter what.. Cops never did anything. Some people should just live in a cave.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    I understand random noises, but she does junp and stomp, it's crazy! I don't mind noise really, but waking up with my heart beating after a loud crash, not cool, I think.
    I had upstairs neighbors who were doing something -- ALL THE TIME -- and I don't know what, but I would have sworn they were bowling. I had different neighbors when I moved in and I could hear their dogs running around sometimes, but otherwise they were pretty quiet. I have no idea what was going on with the second set of neighbors. It was odd.

    LOL bowling.

    I thought my former neighbors were rolling barrels around for awhile and then finally a light bulb went on and I said "BOWLING!". thats funny, making their own wine or bowling. had to be one of those.
  • Jacwhite22
    Jacwhite22 Posts: 7,012 Member
    Run the generator exhaust through a pipe under their door at night. Problem solved.
  • WannabeStressFree
    WannabeStressFree Posts: 340 Member
    Bowling came into my mind as well.

    May I add that the previous couple made no noise, I could hear random noises and their cat running around. that was it.
    I think some people are louder than others, that's all.
    Though there is a carpeting co-op rule, when I went up there to talk to her, she had no carpets yet, it's hardwood flooring, every bit of noise is transmitted.
    I have no plans of moving out, I'll just keep at it, I'll keep leaving kind notes/talks with her. She's nice so I'm not gonna get nasty though I'm afraid I'll be pushed to that direction.
    Deep breaths....
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I understand random noises, but she does junp and stomp, it's crazy! I don't mind noise really, but waking up with my heart beating after a loud crash, not cool, I think.
    I had upstairs neighbors who were doing something -- ALL THE TIME -- and I don't know what, but I would have sworn they were bowling. I had different neighbors when I moved in and I could hear their dogs running around sometimes, but otherwise they were pretty quiet. I have no idea what was going on with the second set of neighbors. It was odd.
    Some people just need to be chained to a tree and left there.
    Anyway, in all seriousness.. Some "neighbors" just don't care until noise affects them personally. Sad, but true.
    I had neighbors that would bicker all night and their damned dog would be left alone to cry at 3 in the morning... No matter what.. Cops never did anything. Some people should just live in a cave.
    Oh no!

    Luckily, for the most part, they weren't that bad. The "bowling" happened at all hours, but it was intermittent and I could sleep through it. Once, the guy came home (I assume drunk) and turned on really loud music with heavy bass. When I figured out where it was coming from (I thought it was just a car coming by) I went upstairs and asked him to turn it down. He did and I never heard it again.

    And once they woke me up at like 2 a.m. having sex. I was annoyed and then I realized I hadn't heard them having sex in the six months they'd been there, so I decided I was more sad for them than angry.

    They were both Marines and had a little girl. I really just want to know what they were doing to make the bowling sound.
  • KristinaB83
    KristinaB83 Posts: 440 Member
    I had upstairs neighbors who were doing something -- ALL THE TIME -- and I don't know what, but I would have sworn they were bowling. I had different neighbors when I moved in and I could hear their dogs running around sometimes, but otherwise they were pretty quiet. I have no idea what was going on with the second set of neighbors. It was odd.

    I think my neighbors once complained that they thought I was bowling... It's probably my rolling computer chair.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I had upstairs neighbors who were doing something -- ALL THE TIME -- and I don't know what, but I would have sworn they were bowling. I had different neighbors when I moved in and I could hear their dogs running around sometimes, but otherwise they were pretty quiet. I have no idea what was going on with the second set of neighbors. It was odd.

    I think my neighbors once complained that they thought I was bowling... It's probably my rolling computer chair.
    It was in every room, though. Living room, kitchen, both bedrooms ...