Attractive the first time in my life

At 5'2 140 I was already pretty chunky for a ten year old. That was the first year I became plus size and the pounds kept adding on..By eighth grade I was at 210. I had no knowledge of how to lose weight and because I was a teen and all my friends were thin and beautiful also dating, all I could seem to do was eat. I'm 21 now, still 5'2 and 175, I can't remember the last time I was this small and even though I'm still chunky and have flab hanging over my shorts in very happy with myself and find myself to be very sexy. My goal weight is 150 which is plus size but I want to be a thick girl just not have all the bulgy flabby rolls on my body. Anyone that is having a hard time losing alot of weight, I say cheers to you, you are strong, you are beautiful and you will make it.
