Questions about fitness pal.

What is considered heavy, vigorous cleaning?

When fitness pal totals up your calories lost during exercise it says you can eat more calories. If you are trying to lose weight shouldn't you be at a deficit of calories? What should your deficit of calories be each day to lose about a pound a week?


  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    MFP already includes a calorie deficit into your daily goal based on your personal stats (gender, age, height, weight), how many pounds per week you said you wanted to lose and what your activity level is (sedentary, active etc).

    I'm not positive but to me, heavy cleaning would be things you do occassionally half/all-day projects like scrubbing the floors on your hands and knees, washing windows... While general cleaning can feel taxing at times, especially if you're heavy and/or out of shape, it's not really burning many calories. Also, even if you're sedentary, it's assumed that you'll still spend up to 2 hours doing some light household cleaning and cooking.

    Hope that helps!

    P.S. since you asked, the deficit for calories to lose 1 pound per week would be 3500 calories or 500 calories per day. As noted above, this is already included in the calorie goal they give you so no need to try to come in under that number in order to lose faster. Gotta fuel the body!
  • Csparrow2014
    Csparrow2014 Posts: 27 Member
    Thank you Minnie Maine