cheating meals! are they okay?!?!



  • fludderbye
    fludderbye Posts: 457 Member
    I dont cheat. If i want pizza I eat pizza- I just allow the calories for it

    or what ever it is you are craving-

    does that mean i give into every craving at the moment i have them NO

    i usually wait a day or 5 depending on what it is-

    chocolate is the only exception to that rule- i keep frozen pieces in the freezer for those must have moments-

    hope this helps-
  • sweetnlow30
    sweetnlow30 Posts: 497 Member
    I don't have scheduled "cheat meals" but I do allow the occasional day where I eat at maintenance instead of at a deficit. I think of it as a zero day. Nothing gained but nothing lost. I usually do this a couple times a month or more depending on what is going on. Tomorrow is my husband's birthday and I have no problem enjoying a piece of cake. It is all about moderation and balance :wink:
  • serindipte
    serindipte Posts: 1,557 Member
    I don't have scheduled "cheat meals" but I do allow the occasional day where I eat at maintenance instead of at a deficit. I think of it as a zero day. Nothing gained but nothing lost. I usually do this a couple times a month or more depending on what is going on. Tomorrow is my husband's birthday and I have no problem enjoying a piece of cake. It is all about moderation and balance :wink:

    I love this idea.
  • kamp150
    kamp150 Posts: 75 Member
  • kingscrown
    kingscrown Posts: 615 Member
    I don't believe in cheat days or cheat weekends or cheat meals. I do believe life happens and sometimes one needs to enjoy it. Friday night my 19 year old daughter was home and cooked enchiladas. I had one. Went to the gym one more time this week to account for it and still lost. Christmas my son made frozen chocolate covered cheese cake on a stick for everyone as a gift. I ate it. I didn't cheat. It was my gift. Still on my path to healthy. Don't call it cheating. Don't have a "enjoying life" moment every day. By that I mean chocolate covered cheesecake. I still enjoyed life today when I made the most beautiful looking and tasting chef salad for lunch.
  • Rdlm1001
    Rdlm1001 Posts: 47 Member
    I think it is your attitude towards food. Using food to treat yourself says more about your relationship to food. I say this as someone who can have binges and I use food all the time to sooth myself. It is a struggle, but we can't change what we don't see. Like right now I am on this site to stop the night eating.... I would say try not to label any food cheat. If you want to eat something highly calorie, take responsibility for it and enjoy it. Just know you will have to balance it out if you don't want to gain weight and then when you feel that need and you know it is emotionally based, come and hang out here until it passes :)
  • hesn92
    hesn92 Posts: 5,967 Member
    Sure why not? I do maybe once a week. It doesn't mean I stuff my face with donuts, it just means I eat until I'm full and don't worry about logging my calories. I actually end up eating a pretty reasonable amount of food still. (I do a cheat dinner though, not an entire day.)
  • tgabmac
    tgabmac Posts: 46 Member
    Ok. Let's be honest. I love food. And I know if I diet all the time, I am more likely to stop losing weight and starve. So every 3-4 weeks I would have a cheat day or meals over a few days. Nothing crazy. If I want fried chicken I will have it, but just not in access where I'm craving all the time. I then rapid weight loss again right after. Because my body is used to healthy eating, I won't retain or gain 'bad food' weight. Though it does leave me more hungry for a few days following and you have to watch that. But I think it helps to keep you on track. You won't stay with something if you don't enjoy it.