Depression and weight loss



  • Flopzsalter
    Flopzsalter Posts: 6 Member
    I too suffer from depression and it really is a challenge to keep myself on track and not get frustrated and throw in the towel when my cortisol levels rise with stress. I noticed you were on meds so I assume your doctor has looked at your vitamin B levels but it couldn't hurt to look into that as well. I exercise often to try and relieve my stress but sometimes it doesn't cut it and when the sepression kicks in it's hard enough to just make it through the day. I've never taken meds for mine but my doctor was startled at my description of what I was feeling, said I was moderately depressed and that "we needed to fix this"
    Granted everyone is different but my doctor had me start spending atleast 10-25 minutes every morning outside (she wanted me to start with 30 minutes and work up to an hour wearing sunscreen to protect my skin but I just dont habe that kind of time!) I have a little patio where I now wake up 30 minutes early so I can go and sit in the sun while I drink my morning water or tea and eat my breakfast. Usually I spend the last 10 minutes with my wyes closed but she said all that really mattwred was that I had dirwxt sunlight on my face/ eyelids). The sitting in the sun seems silly but I have found that it directly affects my sleep in a positive way. She explained it to me once (but I was skeptical so I didn't retain all the details on how it affects serotonin levels etc) but if you are not sleeping well at night it is worth a shot. I noticed a huge difference after 1 week. I also find it is a great way for me to mentally prepare for the chaous that is my day to day life. My doctor also has me on a super B complex and B 12 sublingual vitamin. I don't take them as often as I should but when I start to feel depressed I make sure I take them every day and I end up feeling much better/ my depression doesn't get as deep as it did before.
    Keep up the great work and don't give up. It might take a while to find what works best for you but as long as you keep fighting you will make it to the end of the tunnel. ^_^
  • pechepanda
    pechepanda Posts: 7,939 Member
    exercise lots, it releases endorphin's that should help with depression, but its difficult to get yourself motivated when youre depressed, so try to find a fun way to exercise and try finding something you can do everyday, like running or dance?
    and try getting a friend or someone who can hold you accountable to do it with you.
    it helps a lot having someone to help when youre having trouble staying motivated.
  • kemcards
    kemcards Posts: 1 Member
    I know cognitive behavioral therapy has been mentioned, but I wanted to specifically recommend "Feeling Good" by David Burns. It's an incredibly comprehensive book that gives you tools for coming up with your own plan to boost your mood by helping you stop beating yourself up. Once you're feeling better, set yourself small, easily achieved goals so that you can start to build your self-confidence. You may not lose (or even maintain) your weight until you believe you can - and depression makes that very hard, because it makes you feel that you are defective and that the condition is permanent. CBT can help you recognize that although you're human and may have problems, you're not hopeless and can still make positive changes in your life.

    I agree that exercise is good, but for me the soreness (from weight lifting) and other issues (bunion pain, shin splints) make me feel worse when I overdo it. Aim for moderate activity, ideally with others so you're less isolated.