please help!! ugh exercises.....

MinnieM1114 Posts: 4
edited September 21 in Health and Weight Loss
So i work 2 retail jobs right now, and I just purchased a home. Every night I get home, Im either so tired I'm just going to bed, or I'm working on setting up my house.

Can anyone tell me a useful way to get more excited about exercising so I can do it more often? I'm just not feeling like I have enough motivation to do it when I'm at home. I make too many excuses to not go through with it.

What do you do to get more exercises done through a hectic work and life schedule?


  • kelika71
    kelika71 Posts: 778 Member
    Just like losing a lot of weight can be daunting, they say to break it up in smaller parts. Same can be done with exercise. If your goal is an hour, break it up into 3 - 20 minute sessions. Also, find something you like to do. It doesn't necessarily have to be "exercise." Any activity that gets you moving and increasing the heart rate is a workout. You're liable to stick with it if you like it, too.

    Good luck!!

    If you have an iPhone, there's an app called "SqueezeItIn." It turns housework into a workout. :)
  • Amarillo_NDN
    Amarillo_NDN Posts: 1,018 Member
    with 2 retail jobs, there are lots of little things you can actually do at work just by moving arms and legs while in motion or just setiting.
  • kimi233
    kimi233 Posts: 271 Member
    Make an "appointment" with yourself... don't let yourself cancel it either... you wouldn't cancel on anything else that was important, you need to make it a priority in your life. And until you are ready to make the commitment, you will never follow through. So find something you really enjoy doing and make it a priority!! Best of luck!!!
  • amyfly
    amyfly Posts: 137
    I started with just a little at a time - 5 minutes walking or jumping on my mini trampoline in the morning. Then I started adding 5 mins in the evening, a 5 minute walk on a break - anywhere i could get a few minutes. Before I knew it I found myself wanting to exercise more and more - and now if I miss more than a couple of days I miss it like crazy! All habits start out small - bad ones and good ones!
  • Thanks all for all the tips. They are all great, and if one doesnt work. I have more. Thanks so much.:)
  • hi minnie my resolve has always been to do things i know i will stick to tried swimming loved it do 4-5 sessions a week had a bike ride loved it i cycle an average of around 100 miles a week now i wont try things i know i arent gonna enjoy such as weight lifting but each to there own in short i would say try things wot u think u will like and u WILL fit them into ur day
  • cutmd
    cutmd Posts: 1,168 Member
    I am tired when I get home as well, and I'm often working 12 hours at a time. I start my workout first thing. Just get up, put on my exercise bra, etc, and throw in 30 day shred. I forced myself to do it everyday until suddenly I realized I had more energy and felt great after exercising. Next thing I knew I had to do it to be happy and decrease stress. Now I realize that there will always be times when I'm reluctant to workout, but a few minutes into there are no regrets.

    I strongly recommend starting with a circuit training DVD like 30 day shred, cause it does it all in a short period of time.
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