Been here for a few weeks, time to say hi!

As the title said, I joined MFP early in January, but didn't get serious about losing weight until about halfway through the month. I'm hesitant to say If/how much weight I've lost, because the first scale I bought was a POS that needed constant recalibration, If it was correct, I've managed to drop about 10 lbs, with another 70 or so to go.

I'm 26, female, and currently weigh 190 lbs. I'm aiming for 115, and then seeing if I need to lose more weight once I've hit it. I've never been an appropriate weight as an adult, so I'm sort of guessing at what weight would be healthy for me.

Courtesy of depression, I started gaining weight when I was around 10 or 11 years old. Eating made me feel better, so that was what I did. Add to that the fact that I have PCOS, and gaining weight was easy. By the time I was 12 and a half, I weighed 154 lbs. At that point, my dad stepped in. With his help I was down to 120(ish) by the time I turned 13. However, the habit of eating had still been made, even if I was no longer depressed. Throughout high school my weight slowly returned, despite the fact that I was very physically active. By the time I was 17, I weight 180 lbs. Then it was time for college. Between another bout of depression and the **** dorm food, I topped out at 234 lbs by the end of my sophomore year.

I ended up dropping out, coming home, and re-enrolling in a local community college to figure out why my grades had gone to **** and to see what I really wanted to do with my life. I also joined a gym. Over the next 6 months, I dropped my weight back down to 195. And there, I stuck. Since then (7 years ago), I've always stayed within 5 lbs of that 195 mark. No matter how active I was (and at my peak, I was at the gym 7 days a week, 2 hours a day), it couldn't compensate for the fact that I had no discipline when it came to food.

2 weeks ago, I decided to change that, and see what happened when I logged calories. I'm sure this would surprise no one, but I was eating far more than I thought was the case. Since limiting myself to 1400 (net) calories a day, I'm slowly learning what foods will fill me up for longer (soup!) and have fewer calories. I'm also getting better at self control, though I suspect that may always be an ongoing issue (I love the sweets too much).