How to Increase the Number of Pushups I Can Do??

Jolly2000 Posts: 12
edited September 21 in Fitness and Exercise
Hi everyone

I just started to include exercises to my routine, I found several exercises that I like & decided to work on, my favorite is modified push up & this one is the hardest,I can only do 10 in a raw
My primary goal is to make 50 in a raw
I don't know How I'm ganna make it happen??
& how long would it take??
I hope I find answers :)


  • I dont do 50 one after the other but then again i havent tried doing that but i do 5 sets of 8 ..ill do one set of a 8 then rest for 8 seconds then do the other set and so on till ive done at least 5 sets of 8 some days i do more just dont do them every day so the muscle can rest i do every other day..
  • lilchino4af
    lilchino4af Posts: 1,292 Member
    Being in the military where we have to do lots of pushups, I found the best way to improve pushups were to do pushups.

    One thing we did to help people max out their pushups was to start out each morning and do as many pushups until failure. Then we'd pick a number that was 75-80% of that and do those every hour on the hour. We did this 3-5 days a week for a couple weeks until their physical fitness test and it definitely helped. Not only does it work your upper body strength, it also works your core and lower back.

    This technique really helped me; I don't maintain that regimen, but I'm able to complete 47-50 pushups within a minute for my physical fitness test. With P90X, since pushups are spread out, it's a lot more :smile:
  • do the hundred push-up challenge it starts you off with how ever many you can do and them increases little my little I went from being able to do four to doing 45 in like a should be able to find the web page pretty easy
  • rachel5576
    rachel5576 Posts: 429 Member
    I agree the one hundred push up challenge is great!
  • laughingdani
    laughingdani Posts: 2,275 Member
    I completed the Hundred Push-Up Challenge about 3 weeks ago! It really helps.
  • thanks all for replaying me :)
    I'll go with one hundred push up challenge
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