Pushup Question



  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    that's what we are trying to say- it's not any wear near as efficient as doing them on an incline and moving downward- they just do not compare in effectiveness. Few people rarely make the transition from knee to full push ups- and if they do it takes them forever.

    I'm 41 years old. I've tried to progress from my knees to full push-ups off and on through my life. I'm finally at the point where I can do full regressions. The incline pushups are hitting muscles I never realized were supposed to be engaged in the push-up movement. I know that you *can* engage everything in the knee position, but it just doesn't lock down the same way, if you know what I mean. I'm really enjoying what I can do now too. (72 pushups off the dining room table).

    ETA - it sounds like I'm not alone in my experience.

    nope- it's incredibly common for people to never get anywhere with knee push ups. Hysterically people could bang out several knee push ups- and then you put them at an incline about 18-24" off the floor and they couldn't do any- their core just couldn't take it.

    Now- that's not to say the table position doesn't have it's place- you can do the bird dog thing from that position quiet easily.

    Do your push ups on your knees- but instead of both knees down- push one foot back into an horizontal/level but essentially elevated position- nice easy variation to take that knee push up to another level.

    This can obviously done on an incline as well- but it's a nice variation.

    Love the variation. Makes my core hurt just thinking about it :)