My exercise plan: is this ok?

I have made my own 30 day challenge thing but there are things I plan on incorporating into being a daily thing afterwards. Just wanted some advice on if this will be a safe and good start to losing weight! (I plan on losing 10-15lb at least eventually)
Approximately 4 weeks (30 days)

I am 5' 6' and weigh about 135-138lbs
Wake up at 530: yoga for 40 min
Walk dogs for 1 hour
30 minute hiit (mon, wed, fri) and 30 day shred (tues, thurs, sat)
Sunday = rest
I will eat >1200 calories but try to stay around tere and I will be eating healthy.

Does it seem ok? Should I tone it down, amp it up, or leave it? What has worked for you? I have a spring break trip coming up, and this has encouraged me to get toned at least for the trip. Thanks for any advice!