I'm wondering if...

My mom is getting depressed about many things that is going on in her life right now. She too is over weight and a big time emotional eater. She doesn't even want to get up half the time if it didn't involve work or her grandbabies. I know exercising will help her feel better at least about herself and didn't know if anyone had any ideas on how I can get her up and moving again. I'd love to work out with her just dont know how to encourage her. Most of her depression is her weight and she thinks nobody will hire her full time because she is over weight...

In my head if she gets up and starts exercising she'll start to feel good and feel good about herself. Especially if she sees a weight loss.

She is only 5'8" and 265lbs. Most of her weight is in her thighs and arms. Her torso is not that bad at all.


  • midnight_mariposa
    midnight_mariposa Posts: 13 Member
    I'm not a therapist or a doctor, but it may not be that the weight has her depressed. Rather, it may be that depression led to weight gain which led to increased depression in a horribly frustrating cycle. If she's an emotional eater, and she's depressed, it may be better for her to seek counseling with a mental health counselor. It'd be even better if she can find one that specializes in eating disorders.

    When I've battled depression, being overweight and trying to exercise never made me feel better. It made me feel worse because I wasn't able to do what I felt I should be able to do, reinforcing depression, leading to increased emotional eating. While something like taking walks with her outdoors would be a good start, my opinion is that there are probably some complex issues there that aren't going to be solved with exercise.
  • cebreisch
    cebreisch Posts: 1,340 Member
    If she's depressed, she will need to see a doctor and/or therapist. It is not a sin to see a therapist or to take "happy pills." I've taken "happy pills" for a few years now. It does help. It's also not a sin to see a therapist. I wouldn't have lost the weight I have without his help.

    Like Midnight-Mari said, being overweight and exercising is a rough combination. So many people are self-conscious about working out, and that anxiety increases with the amount someone weighs.

    Second, be supportive of however she wants to proceed - let her know that you will help her in any way she needs help. JUST REALIZE: The decision on what to do and when to do it is HERS.

    You can want it for her, want to do it for her, want to help her, etc. etc. etc., all you want - but if she's not ready, then she isn't ready.

    Hopefully, something will happen to help her realize "something has to change." Something that will make it worthwhile for her to get uncomfortable enough to do what she needs to do to lose weight. That's what did it for me.
  • knra_grl
    knra_grl Posts: 1,568 Member
    Start small and ask her to go for walks with you - the time spent together and the fresh air will do her good. While you're walking you can chat with her about different things and eventually get to the topic of diet and exercise. Help her set up an account on MFP and share ideas and progress with her. It doesn't have to be huge just a start - I know if my son did that for me I would be grateful only walking with him would be more of a run for me lol :flowerforyou:
  • gracie11lexi13
    gracie11lexi13 Posts: 123 Member
    She is like me stayed heavy after having kids... But she has gained weight more so lately and has told me verbally that she thinks people won't hire her full time because of how heavy she is. (I'm a religious person and I believe God has something out there for her and she just hasn't found it yet.) I wish she could see a counselor but she worries more about everyone else than herself. My dad's health isn't the greatest lately so she is tending to his needs at the moment. In another words I mention it I know for a fact she'll tell me no can't afford it. I am so worried about both of my parents. My dad is worried about my mom too (health wise).

    I as well used to be depressed but it made me feel good when someone motivated me to go on a walk with them and then felt better after the walk because I felt cared for and I knew the walk would help my weight. That's me and I know its not her, but it wouldn't hurt to try and raise her spirits. to me its a great time for her to talk to me. She likes talking to me from time to time. Leans on me.
  • gracie11lexi13
    gracie11lexi13 Posts: 123 Member
    She talks about exercising all the time and wants to but day by day she has no motivation. She is built like me in the torso. Last Sat I got her to go on a walk with me and girls and we had a nice conversation.. That was only because she had no bad news that day., regardless that we talked about her hardship and what she is going through. After words I've noticed her spirits are up and stays that way til bed time. Then the following day she got some disappointing news and I was back at square one. I can be hard headed at times and not like to give up lol.
  • gracie11lexi13
    gracie11lexi13 Posts: 123 Member
    Thanks... I like your encouragement and idea.. She has been trying to do a low carb diet but has gotten nowhere with it. Her best diet was the metabolic one but she stopped due to no funds to support the diet anymore. Her and I have also done weight watchers when I was in highschool and we both loved leaning on eachother for support. She did amazing on that diet to but yet again it costs money... Does that more light on what I am trying to say?? This time its hard because of issues that is going on. Oh and I have studied psychology. Just the basics though.