Genetics Be Damned

My name is Emily. I am a big girl. That would seem to have some negative conotations. It never slowed me down. when i was younger i did what i want when i wanted and never gave a second thought that my weight would interfere with my desires. For the longest time it never did. I believed that this is who i am i never ate differently, i just grew up. i never did diets i just lived. ya i'd look in the mirror sometimes and go "oh geez" but then walk off and think i know im beautiful. and I am!! :) I could ride my horses, work on the farm just as hard or harder than the guy my dad hired to do that job. i played sports, i was always active. the problem was i focused on telling myself i was active and i ignored what i really needed. Friends. No one liked me because i was the heavy girl. Emotionally unstable for a lot of years and barely even noticed it. Thoughout college my say was poor normal people they gain the Freshman 15 and i just look the same yay for me. I'm beginning to think that is not the right way to think about my issue. Genetics be damned I have taken a lot of science courses and if i can change this genetic impairment maybe my later generations will not have to suffer as i did.


  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    So, do you want to lose the weight? What would make you happy? Do you want to change?

    I would say other people be damned. If you're going to be successful, the ONLY thing that matters is if you want it enough to change. Do you want it enough?
  • LiftAllThePizzas
    LiftAllThePizzas Posts: 17,857 Member
    The good news is it's not a genetic impairment, it's just a matter of learning to eat the right amount of food to keep you at a healthy weight based on your body and your activity level.
  • captndalton
    captndalton Posts: 53 Member
    Be happy with yourself as a whole. Confidence is key, especially in making friends.

    Please be careful with throwing around 'genetics' though as an excuse for your shape. It's a well known cop out. There are too many people that know better and may not be kind. If you want to lose weight, you've found yourself at one of the most popular tools there is to keeping up with your calories. Do good.
  • scopetrek
    scopetrek Posts: 16 Member
    My name is Emily. I am a big girl. That would seem to have some negative conotations. It never slowed me down. when i was younger i did what i want when i wanted and never gave a second thought that my weight would interfere with my desires. For the longest time it never did. I believed that this is who i am i never ate differently, i just grew up. i never did diets i just lived. ya i'd look in the mirror sometimes and go "oh geez" but then walk off and think i know im beautiful. and I am!! :) I could ride my horses, work on the farm just as hard or harder than the guy my dad hired to do that job. i played sports, i was always active. the problem was i focused on telling myself i was active and i ignored what i really needed. Friends. No one liked me because i was the heavy girl. Emotionally unstable for a lot of years and barely even noticed it. Thoughout college my say was poor normal people they gain the Freshman 15 and i just look the same yay for me. I'm beginning to think that is not the right way to think about my issue. Genetics be damned I have taken a lot of science courses and if i can change this genetic impairment maybe my later generations will not have to suffer as i did.

    Totally agree on this. The whole thing is scientist and doctors had to come up with a way to categorize this weight control problem so they could treat it and get paid as a professional and so the term and disease "obesity" was born. They look at genetics but ignore the fact that people generally eat the same thing their parents taught them to eat from years and years of tradition. I glad you decided to look this in the face and give it a go. Just remember its better to make small lifetime changes that you can stick with.
  • Mewcenary
    Mewcenary Posts: 66 Member
    It's not genetics.
  • abadvat
    abadvat Posts: 1,241 Member
    what sort of genetic impairment do you have?
  • what sort of genetic impairment do you have?

    This is what I'm wondering.

    Don't worry, I used to brush off my inability to eat properly as genetics too, though. :)
  • bio_fit
    bio_fit Posts: 307 Member
    Totally agree on this. The whole thing is scientist and doctors had to come up with a way to categorize this weight control problem so they could treat it and get paid as a professional and so the term and disease "obesity" was born.

    Um.... No.
  • msf74
    msf74 Posts: 3,498 Member
    Heredity is not destiny.
  • bassaniobroke
    bassaniobroke Posts: 36 Member
    isn't there different BMR for different people. Some people eat too much but remain slim while others eat less and still over weight.
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    Metabolic flexibility is important.

    I can teach you how to train yourself to be more metabolically flexible!
    PM me.

    I'm off today and can definitely help!

    For info on my methods read below!
    >>>>>IMPORTANT!!! To get your numbers right please visit---><---read the instructions. I lay everything out to help you have a true fat burning diet.<<<<<<<
  • There is some genetics involved as all my family is short and voila, I am 5'2". I also carry my weight in hips and thighs not stomach. Okay, that being said, losing weight eventually oft to my hips and thighs!! It was the last thing to go and my bust, waist and arms looked too skinny but, I wanted these thunder thighs gone. Did tons of lower body exercises and it did come off. I am still a little out of proportion as waist is one size smaller than. Hips but, I have no thunder thighs. It took a long time and genetics did play a role in where my fat is stored but not if it can come off or not.
  • handyrunner
    handyrunner Posts: 32,662 Member
    good luck getting to your goals..its tough to be sure but as long as you have the drive then it will be a lifelong change.
  • Eleonora91
    Eleonora91 Posts: 688 Member
    Sometimes I blame my genes either. I am short, so I'll always have to weight less than other people who are taller, since I will look like I weight more than I actually do. I cannot control the places in which my fat is going to be stored, or the responsiveness of my muscles when exercised. If I eat less and exercise, I will see some improvements, but it's not a linear process. If there's one thing that I've learn is that metabolism is so complex that there's no way we can really control it at a certain point. This is certainly something that pulls me down every now and then. But first of all, I've tried to stop comparing myself to others. Even to people ehre on MFP. Everyone's body and weightloss is different. Maybe I'll never reach a certain body I wish I could have, but I can always try to improve myself and be the best version of myself that I can be. Even if I don't get a flat stomach or muscles that doesn't mean I'll look better than I did, and that's already a good thing.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    what sort of genetic impairment do you have?

    i'd like to know... cos i really dont get it....!?
  • WhyLime113
    WhyLime113 Posts: 104 Member
    It's not genetics.
    It is a bit.
  • blably
    blably Posts: 490 Member
    It's not genetics.
    It is a bit.

    which bit?
  • WhyLime113
    WhyLime113 Posts: 104 Member
    It's not genetics.
    It is a bit.

    which bit?
    Weight, Body composition. That's what we're talking about after all.
  • blably
    blably Posts: 490 Member
    It's not genetics.
    It is a bit.

    which bit?
    Weight, Body composition. That's what we're talking about after all.

    how is weight genetisc?
  • WhyLime113
    WhyLime113 Posts: 104 Member
    It's not genetics.
    It is a bit.

    which bit?
    Weight, Body composition. That's what we're talking about after all.

    how is weight genetisc?
    I said it's a bit genetic. Your genetics influence your weight, how easily you can gain or lose it, and where a healthy weight range lies. It's not this simplistic every-body-is-the-same thing. The ideal weight for everyone isn't 120 lbs. For some people it's 110lbs, for others it's 140lbs.
    That said, while it influences your weight, it's not the single determinant. Environmental factors (excercise, food) are also important (this is what we call phenotype, which is the combination of genotype and environment). Somebody who is 300lbs didn't get there by genetics alone.
    So it's a bit genetic. Not entirely. Just a bit.