I've just started again after months of illness...

I've been offline for some time due to a breakdown (after too much stress, something just snapped)!
I've been on Medication which has made me zombified for a number of months and due to all the sofa time I've gained weight :cry:
If anyone else is in the same boat it would be lovely to buddy up for moral support as I firmly believe mental and physical health go hand in hand and it's always good to talk. Love and happiness to all :heart:


  • benefiting
    benefiting Posts: 795 Member
    I'm not in the same boat as you but I'd just like to say, good on you for getting up and trying. I know how hard it can be but you're making the right choice! Good luck!
  • LaurenStephaine
    LaurenStephaine Posts: 7 Member
    Hi Rowena, I too have recently had a break down and spent several weeks in a psychiatric hospital (hospital puddings twice a day have done nothing for me lol). Well done for seeing past the dark...you no what they say once youve hit rock bottom theres only one way to go and thats up! Im feeling alot better already after excersining five times a week and eating clean. So go you for getting youre self back on track im sure you will be back to youre normal self in no time. Feel free to add me if you like :flowerforyou: :smile: