Toning excercises vs. Cardio

I want to re-shape my body look, would it if be effective to do lots of toning exercises without lots of cardio exercises ?


  • stylin
    stylin Posts: 54 Member
    Toning is bro science and a myth lol. It just means losing weight. Lose bodyfat and your entire body will be more 'toned'. chin/jaw and muscles etc.
  • real 'toning' exercises come in the form of heavy weights.
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    Less harsh answer......

    Toning is a euphemism used by the "fitness industry" to refer to strength training in a non-threatening way and helps perpetuate the myth that lifting weights will make women bulky and unfeminine. Now that we have that out of the way.....

    If you want to improve your body composition you don't need to do a lot of cardio (you may want to for other overall fitness reasons, but that's up to you and based on your goals), an appropriate caloric restriction combined with strength training will usually result in a reduction in body fat and increased strength.

    Depending on your current fitness level you may want to start with body weight exercises but, ultimately, don't be afraid to lift weights (and not just the 5lb dumbbells; pick up heavy stuff, put it down and repeat.....)