28lbs to lose - anyone with a similar goal?

Hello All,
I've been a member of MFP for a while, but never used the support from the community and hope it may help to achieve my goal of losing 2 stone by July.
I would love the support from anyone in the same(ish) situation,
I'm from the UK, mid 40's with family and run a hectic life so find 'dieting' extremely hard, especially at weekends.
After 20 years of yo-yo-ing its time to get my act together - looking forward to hearing from you!!!


  • rowboc22
    rowboc22 Posts: 15 Member
    Hi im claire,

    25 from the uk too and have about 30lbs to lose. i'm the same as you been using MFP for a while but havnt really used the forum. I work full time have a dog and a horse so find fiting in the gym and healthy eating a bit of a struggle and like you weekends are my worst as my BF is a body builder so eats lots of food while i am limited :(

    would love to help support add me and maybe we can crack it together