cardio endurance

Hi everyone reading this! I am trying to increase my cardio time from 20-30 minutes up to 60 minutes per workout. I also do a circuit of weights before or after. I am kicking it up to really see some results and for a competition I joined. Any ideas on breaking up the monotony of 60 minutes of cardio? I am thinking switching from bike, to treadmill, to elliptical. Any ideas appreciated! Also, I tend to set intervals on the machines, I heard this is a good method. Agree? Disagree?

Thanks for any and all advice! Cassie


  • lmurph93
    lmurph93 Posts: 19 Member
    I know what you mean! If I don't get bored I can easily run for an hour on the treadmill. I like to run intervals since it makes the time go faster even for a thirty minute run. I also do a "rest" interval after 30 minutes that's a jog to make sure I don't hate the next half hour. Otherwise I think switching machines, or running outside is the best option! I've started to do erg (rowing machine) for ten minutes and bike for twenty minutes after a 30 minute run!
  • ChayB
    ChayB Posts: 50 Member
    Can you run/cycle outside? I find the time passes so much quicker when the scenery changes