Going Wrong!!!

Well Hello Everyone,

I have lost about 30 kgs from 107kg to 77 kg so far :) i have done it at good pace..hardly 4 months

well now from 10 days i have started weight lifting exercises too combined with cardio...

i am kinda confused about how much calories should i consume? i do still want to lose weight to 75 atleast...or less if it goes

If you guys check my diary you will find i ate very less calories yesterday it was due to my work..i couldnt eat my lunch which troubled my diet...

Well in result i felt really shaky today..whenever i stand up my body jolts a bit...I was fine at gym in the early morning but things got worse after 1 pm...i think it was due to weakness maybe? so i consumed more calories today if you see...

Now i have planned my diary for tommorow if you guys can see its right or i still need any changes? Exercises will be added after gym early morning... Also can you please suggest me weight loss goal per week i should set? as i needed to lose alot of weight i was going 1 kg/week...should i slow down a bit?

Thanks for reading...
Sunny :)


  • sandhusaab16
  • Cobweb200

    Given what you have already lost I would think you should be expecting to lose 0.5 kilo a week now rather than a whole kilo a week. Things will defnitely slow up now as you change your exercise pattern, you may plateau for a while but it will start moving again as you develop more muscle, your body will burn more calories naturally.

    I suspect you may be right about the "shakiness" if you had to miss a meal and you are exercsing at the Gym early in the mornings. You need to have somethng even if it is a cereal bar whilst you are on the move.

    You have done great so far - you know what you are doing - yesterdays "blip" has created a lack of confidence but you will back on track today I am sure if you are back to eating regularly.

    Good Luck
  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    Is there a reason you still want to lose weight? I'm not sure how tall you are, but 170 pounds is a reasonable weight for a man. Regardless, if you feel you need to lose weight, you need to lose weight very slowly now. And you definitely need to eat more. I eat more than you do.

    If you aren't going to up your calories, then you at least need to increase your protein. There are tons of protein sources that you can eat on the go if you feel you don't have time to properly prepare a meal.