MrsCurvyFab Posts: 46 Member
HI everyone, I found this website on facebook and thought I would share if anyone is interested on how to start meal prepping.

homemade breakfast sandwiches (egg, biscuit, cheese, bacon) 280 calories. (for my husband he likes the Fast food windows in the AM)
Dinners: spaghetti and meatballs, meatball subs, shrimp and pasta, make your own taco bowl night.
My Lunches: leftovers obviously

What I made:
2lbs of meatballs
1lb of ground turkey mixed with diced tomatoes and black beans
box of spaghetti noodles
tomato, bell pepper, onion sauce for the shrimp and noodles (I didn't cook the shrimp because we are not eating it until Thursday)
baked biscuits, baked eggs in muffin tins, cooked bacon and then made the sandwiches

Of course on the day we eat you will need to spend a little time prepping and warming up, but considering I work a lot of overtime, and sometime do not get off until 9pm. This helps tremendously!

This was a lot of food considering its just my husband and I, so after dinner is over I will proportion the leftovers and freeze them considerably.

Just the start :)