garcinia cambogia

Has any one taken or is taking the new garcinia cambogia product that has been advertised on Dr. Oz? It is suppose to be healthy for you! Just wondering if anyone is taking it and if they have any feedback on if it works? Thanks.....


  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    A quick search will yield you hundreds of pages on this very topic.

    In summary: It's a waste of money and does zilch for you. There is no scientific proof or studies proving it's benefits in humans.

    It's best to ignore anything Dr. Oz is pushing.
  • Krislee81
    Krislee81 Posts: 5 Member
    thanks- that's kind of what I was thinking- to good to be true!! :)
  • 5angelfish
    I was introduced to Garcinia Cambogia by a friend who swore by it.. so, I started taking it.. what I found it does is that it curbs your appetite so that your not eating as much as you used too...and I just love it.. don't take anyones negative thoughts about it, try it for yourself..There are four people whom I have introduced this product too and they swear by it... TRY IT..
  • KristenY18
    I am taking the brand 1234 and its 2 capsules a it!! I am not really watching what I am eating and I AM losing. If I actually logged in daily and tracked food, I bet I would have better results. Try it for yourself....everyone is different :)