Daily calorie goal for losing weight



  • mschicagocubs
    mschicagocubs Posts: 774 Member
    Plug your stats into here: http://scoobysworkshop.com/accurate-calorie-calculator/
    and set it to TDEE-10% since you're already at a healthy weight.

    You can definitely eat more than 1200 calories and lose weight. Although, if your goal is to become "trim and toned," ditch the cardio for some strength training a couple of times a week.

    That scooby workshop told me I should be eating 1900 calories a day!! That cannot be accurate....

    It's pretty accurate. A lot of people on here use it. Did you include your exercise or did you label it as sedentary? That makes a huge difference.

    I put that I work out 5-6 hours a week.

    It says that I should eat 3 meals. 641 calories per meal ....

    TDEE includes your workouts, so 1900 calories sounds pretty accurate then. You would not eat your exercise calories burned since you figured them into your TDEE. Ignore the whole "eat 3 meals" part. That section is just there to give you ideas on how best to fill your macros.

    I've been only eating 1400...so that is interesting...maybe I need to up my calories??

    Well, you can do it one of two ways:

    1) You can set your calories to 1900 and not eat exercise calories burned during workouts.

    2) You can eat 1400 calories and eat most of your exercise calories burned during workouts.

    Both methods are correct and just a matter of preference. If you've been successful so far, I wouldn't change it.

    I had been doing 1400 without eating my calories burned back ... so I would think that is too few.

    Thanks for the info! I've lost 3 pounds in 1 month...so maybe I will try to eat a few more a day and see. I just dont wanna eat too much....