Always feeling hungry. Foods that help?

I am always hungry. I always overeat. It is my biggest issue with food, but my question is I am always hungry. Are there healthy foods that are filling or will make me fuller? I am a really picky eater and don't care for vegetables, but can tolerate a few more than others. Just looking for suggestions food-wise. I'm going bonkers feeling like I am starving.


  • caseythirteen
    caseythirteen Posts: 956 Member
    Make sure you are getting enough protein, fiber and healthy fats. Those tend to fill you up and last a bit longer. I can't see your diary to see what you are already eating or what your calories are set to but things like nuts/peanut butter with an apple (or without) are tasty and filling, greek yogurt, cottage cheese, protein bars (bought or homemade), you said you don't like veggies but some peppers or carrots with hummus is really good too.
  • KarenJanine
    KarenJanine Posts: 3,497 Member
    What is your calorie goal? It would help if we could see your diary so we can see what you're currently eating.

    Foods high in protein, fat and fibre tend to be the most satiating.

    Eg for snacks:
    Apple and peanut butter
    Greek yoghurt and berries
    Cheese sticks
    Carrot sticks and hummus
  • caseythirteen
    caseythirteen Posts: 956 Member
    :laugh: Posted at the same time with a nearly identical answer!
  • weinbagel
    weinbagel Posts: 337 Member
    Well-rounded meals: protein, healthy fats, and good carbs.

    Sometimes when I overeat processed foods I feel more hungry as well.
  • marilandica
    marilandica Posts: 88 Member
    Like the others have said, I found in the early days of running a pretty steep calorie deficit that I really had to have many calories in protein or I was gnawingly hungry. Big bowls of steamed or raw vegetables were also good when I just wanted volume of food because you can eat a ton for very few calories (and they obviously have other nutritional value), but I was hungry and remained hungry without protein. A lot of protein foods and snacks are higher calorie -- Greek yogurt, nuts and nut butters -- but they really helped me keep the hunger in check and therefore allowed me, in the end, to eat less.
  • MissMegannLee
    MissMegannLee Posts: 226 Member
    Made my diary public. Had it private because when I first signed up I had a few people being really mean and rude about how I ate and it upset me so I kept it hidden.

    Are cooked carrots okay? For some reason raw carrots bug me, but I can eat them cooked.
    I can also eat raw broccoli but not without some sort of a dip. (which the dip isn't really healthy)
    Green Beans and Peas are okay too, same with spinach.

    I do not ear red meat and when I do it's rare. I hate red meat.
    So chicken and fish is normally the route I go.

    I'm new to this so I appreciate everyone who is being really nice and helpful.
  • KarenJanine
    KarenJanine Posts: 3,497 Member
    :laugh: Posted at the same time with a nearly identical answer!

    Ha! Great minds eh? ;)

    OP, you could definitely stand to try adding more fruit/veg. Cooked carrots are fine, there's no point forcing yourself to eat things you don't like. For convenience I often buy bags of frozen mixed veg to steam in the microwave - peas, corn, carrots, green beans, etc. Really quick and easy. If you need dip with your broccoli, that's fine - just choose something that doesn't eat into your calories too much. Or you could try making your own dip with Greek yoghurt, there are heaps of recipes online.
  • jlar09
    jlar09 Posts: 99
    I try and add veggies whenever I can because it maximizes the volume of food you can consume in one sitting with very few calories. Also, something I like to do (and I am sure you are already well, well aware of this one ;) is to drink half my Nalgene bottle (about 18oz of water) before I go eat. It satiates my hunger for a bit longer and helps with my water intake. :)

    Congrats on your progress! You look so good!
  • MissMegannLee
    MissMegannLee Posts: 226 Member
    I'm going shopping tomorrow. I started my healthier lifestyle (again) on Monday, so I haven't been able to go shopping.
    I normally buy the bag of frozen veggies as well. Thinking about buying a bunch of fruit and making premade fruit salad for myself.
    This time around I want to do it right. So going to increase my veg/fruit intake.

    Is having green juice alright? I love having a green juice for breakfast or a snack.
    I've had so many people tell me its bad for you, but I just don't see how it's bad when it's veggies.
  • MissMegannLee
    MissMegannLee Posts: 226 Member
    I try and add veggies whenever I can because it maximizes the volume of food you can consume in one sitting with very few calories. Also, something I like to do (and I am sure you are already well, well aware of this one ;) is to drink half my Nalgene bottle (about 18oz of water) before I go eat. It satiates my hunger for a bit longer and helps with my water intake. :)

    Congrats on your progress! You look so good!

    I've heard drink water before and that it helps!
    I'll have to try it and see if it works at all.
    Thank you very much for the compliment! I appreciate it.
  • KarenJanine
    KarenJanine Posts: 3,497 Member
    I'm going shopping tomorrow. I started my healthier lifestyle (again) on Monday, so I haven't been able to go shopping.
    I normally buy the bag of frozen veggies as well. Thinking about buying a bunch of fruit and making premade fruit salad for myself.
    This time around I want to do it right. So going to increase my veg/fruit intake.

    Is having green juice alright? I love having a green juice for breakfast or a snack.
    I've had so many people tell me its bad for you, but I just don't see how it's bad when it's veggies.

    As long as you're counting the calories of the fruit/veg you put in juices or smoothies they're fine. If you enjoy them they can be a great way to get the micronutrients in.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member

    Nuts, nut butters, add olive oil to your cooking or salads. Fat is very satiating.
  • MissMegannLee
    MissMegannLee Posts: 226 Member
    Awesome! That makes me a bit happier. :)
  • thatgirlkellib
    thatgirlkellib Posts: 150 Member
    up your protien!
  • MissMegannLee
    MissMegannLee Posts: 226 Member
    Awesome. I normally boil my chicken, but I am going to try cooking it with some olive oil now.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Is having green juice alright? I love having a green juice for breakfast or a snack.
    I've had so many people tell me its bad for you, but I just don't see how it's bad when it's veggies.

    If you're hungry, I wouldn't do it. It's veggies but without fiber, so it's basically calories that won't make you full at all.

    Otherwise, same as the others - protein, fat and fiber will keep you full. After that, it depends for everyone. Fruit doesn't cut it for me, but protein bars and Greek yogurt help.
  • monkeywizard
    monkeywizard Posts: 222 Member
    Like someone else mentioned, Broccoli or carrots with Hummus is a good veggie/dip without being too high in calories & has good protein and a low-glycemic carb.

    Also, how long are you going between meals? I usualy do a decent breakfast around 6:30, then a snack (chicken, or another high-protein such as Celery w/ Peanut Butter) around 9:30. Lunch at 11:30, afternoon snack around 2:30/3:00 then dinner around 5:30 with another small snack around 8ish.
  • MissMegannLee
    MissMegannLee Posts: 226 Member
    Is having green juice alright? I love having a green juice for breakfast or a snack.
    I've had so many people tell me its bad for you, but I just don't see how it's bad when it's veggies.

    If you're hungry, I wouldn't do it. It's veggies but without fiber, so it's basically calories that won't make you full at all.

    Otherwise, same as the others - protein, fat and fiber will keep you full. After that, it depends for everyone. Fruit doesn't cut it for me, but protein bars and Greek yogurt help.

    I use a blender not a juicer. I'm broke so I can't juice it. So it's more like a vegetable smoothie. Haha.
  • MissMegannLee
    MissMegannLee Posts: 226 Member
    Like someone else mentioned, Broccoli or carrots with Hummus is a good veggie/dip without being too high in calories & has good protein and a low-glycemic carb.

    Also, how long are you going between meals? I usualy do a decent breakfast around 6:30, then a snack (chicken, or another high-protein such as Celery w/ Peanut Butter) around 9:30. Lunch at 11:30, afternoon snack around 2:30/3:00 then dinner around 5:30 with another small snack around 8ish.

    I try to eat something every 3 hours.
    I've never had's probably a really silly question, but what is it?
  • Cookie_4
    Cookie_4 Posts: 152 Member
    Sometimes I feel hungry because I'm too restrictive with myself. At first, I had my daily calorie allowance as 1350 but found I was still hungry. I upped it to 1450 and I know it's only 100 calories but it made a big difference for me. I don't feel hungry before bed anymore. Also, when I completely cut out foods I love to eat like chips or ice cream, I feel hungry, too, so if I eat one serving or less, I see that it keeps my hunger at bay. Hope you find what works for you! Feel free to friend me if you'd like extra support. You look like you're doing great!