New account for Recovery, support?

So I have a MFP account already however, I am now in recovery from Bulimia, and I feel like the community that i have on my other account, although as lovely as it is, is not best for me, being quite triggering and such.

I'm new to recovery so, yes i will be messing up a bit at the beginning, but it'd be really nice to have some support and friends on here that can help and motivate me to be healthy rather than skinny and to help me out with my diary, give me advice on what foods i should eat more and less of. I'm motivated that this is the right choice for me and i don't want to put my me, my body or my family through anymore suffering, so i'm making a new start.

Anyone who has gone through/ is going through/ or is willing to support, feel free to add me :')
I'm also here to give my support to anyone who needs it. Thankyou :')