Have been using MFP for almost a month.. no weight loss

Hi guys,

I need to know your response on this. I've been using MFP since the new year, so far, I haven't seen a weight loss but I can clearly feel that I am fit than I was last month.

I can walk up the hill without being breathless. I can carry my heavy bag pack up to 3rd floor without huffing and puffing.

Well, my main aim is to lose weight (around 20-30 lbs, deadline is August) and fat loss.

I need your response on this. :frown: :frown: :indifferent: :indifferent:


  • miksmets
    miksmets Posts: 3 Member
    You are doing great! Keep working at it!! It takes a lot of time and patience- but one day it will be worth it! Sometimes when you start working out your body will gain a bit of muscle- which may add some initial weight, do not be discouraged!
  • keep going you can do it. dont be discouraged, just watch your calorie intake closely
  • CallMeCupcakeDammit
    CallMeCupcakeDammit Posts: 9,377 Member
    Read this. http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/1080242-a-guide-to-get-you-started-on-your-path-to-sexypants

    And congratulations on feeling more fit! I know how amazing that feels when you can suddenly do something with a lot less effort.
  • brayla1
    brayla1 Posts: 142 Member
    It will come as you work towards the best possible you! Remember some of the wins are NSV - non-scale victories - some of which you are already experiencing "walking up hills without being breathless." Your determination and continuation on this journey will be rewarded - great job thus far!!
  • I already feel kinship with you due to our similar usernames :) I'm 5'4, and have been losing about 1 lb a week on 1230 calories. Maybe you should decrease your calories? (Or increase them if you're eating too little). A friend of mine hasn't been losing and I suspect it is bc she is "over logging" exercise (ie. logging playing with her son outside for 20 min as "walking" for 20 mins, etc) Just an idea based of of zero expertise, but maybe it will help. Glad you're already feeling healthier though!