"Single", 26 and Trying to Get on Track

I don't know about everyone else, but I am 26 years old, and at this point in my life I thought I'd at least be married by now,. Life did not give me those lemons very quickly, but that is okay. I finally learned after an awful break up and "lifestyle" change 15 months ago that you cannot always plan a picture perfect life. Currently, I am with an amazing person who treats me right. Because of him, I have learned not to settle less for anything I deserve, and I have come to the conclusion that I deserve to feel great about myself. Now, before anyone jumps to conclusions: No, he does not call me fat. No, he doesn't drop hints about my clothes, weight or anything else that could bring my self-esteem down. He tells me I am beautiful everyday. I was the one that brought up losing weight to him and he grew worried that I thought he thought I wanted him to.

The truth is: I want to do this for me. I have a habit of looking towards the future a lot. After finally meeting the man I want to spend my life with, I have thought about the house in the country...and the kids. I am 5 foot 1 weighing in at 150 pounds. By the time I get pregnant and have a child, I don't want to be weighing in at 200 pounds if I can help it. I also want to feel good in my jeans and not have to hide my gut in a hoodie like I do now, or have to buy a size bigger because my gut doesn't fit in my jeans, and because I have no butt to fill those jeans my rear sags. I want to look in the mirror and not feel ashamed of how my chin looks. I am tired of feeling self-conscious about my body. I want to not only look but FEEL absolutelly beautiful on my wedding day.

My goal currently is to lose 20 pounds by July, which would put me at 130. I would like to weigh in at about 120 pounds, but 130 is okay. In high school I started freshman year at 105 pounds, which was too small. I graduated at 115 pounds, which was great, but I remember feeling my best at 120. Does anyone have any helpful exercises to burn the calories and gain the muscle that I can do at home in my apartment during this cold weather? Really need some help and support! Thanks everyone!


  • christchick7
    christchick7 Posts: 533 Member

    About the exercise, I would recommend Leslie Sansone's Walk At Home workouts. They're for all levels of fitness-fun,
    not hard to get the hang of, yet can be pretty challenging at times. 4 basic steps...sidesteps, knee lifts, walk in place,
    and kicks. All the space you need is enough to take 4 steps in any direction-perfect for a small home or apartment. I
    have been doing this for the best part of 10 years, and it really does work, especially if you're just getting back in shape.
    Feel free to friend me if you want; just remind me of this thread.

  • aipomrules
    aipomrules Posts: 6 Member
    Agreed on the expected vs actual timeline. I just turned 24, and thought I'd have it figured out by now, but that hasn't quite happened yet =P I just want to be able to fit in a normal clothing size, and to have what I look like in the mirror match my mental image of what I feel like.
    I'm also petite 4'11", SW 140ish when I graduated college in 2012, CW 121, GW 115 or 110. I haven't been exercising nearly as much as I want to, but just counting calories and occasionally doing pushups or squats in my room. I have some good exercise routines saved as PDFs that I could send your way. And if you're looking for a friend here, I could use some =)
  • LishieFruit89
    LishieFruit89 Posts: 1,956 Member
    You will not gain muscle by doing a Leslie Sansone dvd.

    Are you always limited to working out in your apartment or just in the winter?
  • cjazz72
    cjazz72 Posts: 80 Member
    If you have some dumbells and weights you can do a whole range of exercises at home. Probably the best is doing squats especially if you want to gain some muscle on the legs. Plus since leg muscles are the biggest muscles in the body you burn more calories after your workout is done. Here is a website on different kinds of dumbell workouts you can do

  • purpleroxmysocks
    purpleroxmysocks Posts: 137 Member
    I really am only able to workout inside right now too, I like running but there really isn't any place to run where I currently live. I have found that Nike Training Club app is amazing! The workouts will push you, also you may want to check out Jillian Micheals 30 Day Shred, you can find these videos on You Tube for free! I am all about working out for free, why pay money when you can do everything on your own? Good Luck!