Help me please

Hope someone can help me,
I am a 58 year old male who is having trouble losing weight. I am 112 kilo now.
And I am hope someone will post their diary meal plan, to help me see where I am going wrong.
I have tried not eating breakfast with a daily total cal count of 1800 cals & tried eating
breakfast with with a daily total cal count of 1800 cals not thing seem to work


  • Chenoachem
    Chenoachem Posts: 1,758 Member
    I try to eat between 1500-1800 calories a day. You can check out mine. I each breakfast everyday and aim for it to include 20-30g of protein.
  • DeeDeeMee
    DeeDeeMee Posts: 133 Member
    Hi Ianmark. My diary is public if you'd like to have a look at it, but know that I'm on a 1200 calorie plan so to boost it to the 1800 cals you need you'd want to do things like increase the rice from 1/2 cup to 3/4 or even a whole cup, increase the meats from 100g to 150g, have a bit more cheese than the 13g I had on my toast this morning.

    Also know that as long as you are eating less than you burn you are guaranteed to lose weight, it might involve a bit of weighing and measuring though. You want to net that 1800 or as close to every day.

    If you'd like to add me for some ongoing support and the occasional recipe swap or something feel free. Just make sure you leave a message when you do so that I know who you are.

  • acogg
    acogg Posts: 1,870 Member
    I can't see your food diary so that makes it very difficult. My best guess is that you are not eating enough protein. Protein is very important for stamina, energy and not feeling like you are starving.