Too busy to Work out



  • alisonlynn1976
    alisonlynn1976 Posts: 929 Member
    Do you watch TV at all? If yes, quit that and exercise instead.
  • pinkraynedropjacki
    pinkraynedropjacki Posts: 3,027 Member
    I have a job, a family & a home to run. I get up just before 6am & start working out...regardless of what the day has planned. I don't get what is with 'tending to the boyfriend' is.... I mean unless he is an invalid & you are his carer.... then what's the deal?

    I am thinking you use it as an excuse not to do anything.
  • pinkraynedropjacki
    pinkraynedropjacki Posts: 3,027 Member
    Do you watch TV at all? If yes, quit that and exercise instead.

    Huh? You can't do both at the same time?
  • alisonlynn1976
    alisonlynn1976 Posts: 929 Member
    Do you watch TV at all? If yes, quit that and exercise instead.

    Huh? You can't do both at the same time?

    Sure, I was just suggesting two lifestyle improvements in one. I think there's a high chance that the "too busy" OP spends time sitting and watching television every day. Most people do. What's with the "huh?"? As if I'm a complete idiot? No, I'm not.
  • pinkraynedropjacki
    pinkraynedropjacki Posts: 3,027 Member
    Do you watch TV at all? If yes, quit that and exercise instead.

    Huh? You can't do both at the same time?

    Sure, I was just suggesting two lifestyle improvements in one. I think there's a high chance that the "too busy" OP spends time sitting and watching television every day. Most people do. What's with the "huh?"? As if I'm a complete idiot? No, I'm not.

    Too busy does not mean sitting watching tv though at all. I'm too busy for most things.... but dont watch any tv nor do I ever sit down at all... and I mean like at all. From the moment I wake up till the moment I go to bed I am not once sitting down....or watching TV.... yet I'm always busy.
  • HealthyishWithMaggieG
    I am goin gto go against the trend here and say don't worry about exercise at the moment then. Exercise is for fitness. All your weight loss needs is a calorie deficit. Sort out your diet and you will lose weight. In a few months you might find the time to exercise more easily.

    I always found that dragging myself out of bed an hour earlier is completely counter productive to weight loss. Not only does it stimulates my appetite to the point that I want a 1000 extra calories for the 200 I just burned, if I get up early I crave even more food, because I am tired. Ultimately it was never sustainable for me to do so it only made me hate it.

    Even though I agree with the majority that are saying you're just making excuses and you'll make time if you really want to, I agree with this comment, too. If you're not ready to commit to making time to workout, you have to be diligent about your food and water intake.

    Here's another way to look at things. I used to be a workout junkie and eventually got burnt out. Now, I have my MFP account set to a lower activity level than is probably true for me and count everything I do around the house as exercise (cooking, cleaning, taking care of my dog, etc). I just make sure I do everything with gusto/extra effort, so I work up a sweat or get my heart rate up. I time everything I do and add it to my exercise diary. It's been working for me and I dropped 7 pounds in 10 days by doing this (while being pretty good about the foods I ate).

    If you do choose to workout, something else I've found that helps (when I do feel like "working out") is the Sworkit app on my phone. I'm recovering from back and kneed injuries and the stretching routines are what I use from the app. You can set the length of time you want to workout and it will take you through the exercises to do. It's very simple and you don't need any equipment to do these workouts.
  • GiveMeCoffee
    GiveMeCoffee Posts: 3,556 Member
    First too busy to work out is just an excuse, I wake up at 3 am every morning so I can get my workouts done before work. If you want to work out you will find a way.

    Now for taking care of the boyfriend, unless he has a serious medical condition that he can't take care of himself, you need to stop trying to be his mother and let him fend for himself.

    Lastly, to lose weight you don't have to exercise you do that with your diet. So find your reasonable calorie deficit.

    Take responsibility for yourself and your health, it's either time to make it a priority or you aren't ready to do that yet. The choice is yours, but the excuses are just that excuses.

    Good luck
  • emboslice94
    If you really want it, make time. 5am may not sound appealing, but it grows on you.
  • sloth3toes
    sloth3toes Posts: 2,212 Member
    There was a thread awhile back, about what time you get up to exercise. I get up at 3:20 AM on work days to stairclimb for 1/2 hr. I work 12 hr shifts, and start at 5 AM..... And I wasn't anywhere near the earliest riser in that thread.

    Crap. So, I post that yesterday. Today, I sleep in, and miss my cardio. *kitten* on a twisty stick. :sad:
  • shall1112
    where'd the OP go?
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    where'd the OP go?

    Too busy to reply, which is understandable considering she spends 19 hours a day at home.
  • Athijade
    Athijade Posts: 3,280 Member
    There was a thread awhile back, about what time you get up to exercise. I get up at 3:20 AM on work days to stairclimb for 1/2 hr. I work 12 hr shifts, and start at 5 AM..... And I wasn't anywhere near the earliest riser in that thread.

    Crap. So, I post that yesterday. Today, I sleep in, and miss my cardio. *kitten* on a twisty stick. :sad:

    Haha... some days you need the sleep more then the cardio though. You could be in my shoes. Started some new meds that I take at night. Took one last night about 11PM. Next thing I know it is 10AM. Yea... Hopefully I adjust to these things soon!
  • jwdieter
    jwdieter Posts: 2,582 Member
    Is single parent working two jobs? Sympathy.

    This thread? Wtf.
  • sexylady1979
    sexylady1979 Posts: 13 Member
    Ok everyone those are good points.... No more excuses. I'll change the way I do things. No the boyfriend is not disabled just plain lazy. and says that his knees are sore because he broke both legs in high school playing football but he can walk just fine.
  • spikrgrl503
    spikrgrl503 Posts: 247 Member
    Yes she is making excuses but you guys are being too hard on her. Not everybody can get up at 3:20 in the morning to work out. I absolutely need 7-8 hours in bed to be a functioning human being (caffeine makes me sick and I sleep really horribly at night). I work out on the weekends because I have more time (only work half days on weekends) but telling her, "You can get up really early in the morning because I can" is really not ok.
  • JoJo__Fit
    JoJo__Fit Posts: 258 Member
    This is for yourself and no one else, Make it Happen!!

    Get up extra early if you have too and workout

    Do 10 mins in the morning, 10 mins in the afternoon and 10 mins before bed

    It just depends how bad you really want it.
  • EvenThatNameIsTaken
    In my own case (before I started exercising regularly), I wasn't too busy. I just plain didn't want to do it. You sound like you are using "too busy" as a mask for "I don't want to do it." Which is totally natural but won't help you at all and if you continue, you will just keep enabling yourself and solidifying that behavior, making it harder to change.

    It doesn't sound like you have much support. For me, having someone else encourage me to go regularly really helped. So maybe try to find a workout buddy or even just a walking buddy. Oh hey, you have dogs. There you go. Look at their sad eyes, wishing for some mommy/outside time. Just look at those sad eyes begging for a walk!

    Anyway, I know it's hard, and I know what it's like to be a slave to my own excuses. That's where you are right now. :) At some point, you have to get some ovacles and tell yourself "I am not going to put up with these excuses anymore, me!"

    It might take awhile. It's been about 2 years and I have just recently started really enjoying exercise. I went from loathing it, to being ambivalent about it, to being okay with it (it's gotta be done), to actually looking forward to it.

    I agree with others recommending 7 minute and other short workouts. Start something that you can very easily fit into your day, commit to doing it even if just once a week. and Good luck! You got this. That boyfriend of yours... whole other story. Focus on YOU first.

    Also agree with people saying exercise is not absolutely necessary for weight loss. You can't outrun your diet (took me a year to finally accept this). Diet is most important if you're wanting to lose weight.
  • manda1978
    manda1978 Posts: 525 Member
    I am a full time working parent, with 2 pet dogs, a husband and a 4 bedroom house to maintain. I get to work at 7.30am every day... oh and I train 6 times a week. I get up 4.30-5am to do it, or do a session at home after work/dinner/packing lunches etc hence its 8-8.30pm.

    Don't tell me you don't have time, thats bullsh!t. You're just trying to justify you're own laziness. Yes they're harsh words, but honest. If I can do it anyone can. When you're serious drop me a line.

    EDIT - this has to be a troll. check out her other thread -
  • Dreamingallday
    I work shift work in a hotel. I stand behind a desk for 8 hours and maintain my home ( I'm someone who takes q-tips to the moulding), maintain a healthy relationship, take care of my pet and prepare my meals and my boyfriend's (packed lunches and dinners), while working out in someway every day: I find a work out wherever I can. I even take public transit, so a chunk of my day is travel.

    For example:

    Shift 3pm-11pm.

    11:00am wake up
    11:15am Gym
    12:00pm-Shower, pack lunch
    12:40pm- Do hair and make up
    1:00pm- Put dinner in the crock pot
    1:30pm-Eat breakfast and relax
    2:00pm- Catch bus to work

    12:00am- get home (boyfriend has usually put the steel cut oats in to the crock pot for breakfast)
    12:30am- eat dinner
    1:00am- Make boyfriend's lunch, tidy up apartment until ready for sleep.

    The shift changes are harsh on the body and some nights I don't get sleep at all or very little. My sleep and activity hours are different every week and can change at the drop of a hat, so I shift things around to suit the day. Even if I can only give 30 minutes to the gym, I still jog to and from my bus stop, do lunges/squats or pushups on my lunch break... it's all about wanting to make the time for the work out.

    I'm really groggy, so please excuse any odd ramblings or repetative lines. :P