Exercising After Hospitalization

I've been on MFP for a few years and like most people I'll go strong and then dwindle off. So for the last month, I've been faithfully logging, being honest with myself, and working out. This is GREAT!!!!!!

The problem is, I was recently hospitalized and had a blood transfusion and this put a damper on my workouts. I was out of comission for about 6 days which doesn't seem like much but it is having an affect on my body. Understand, I wasn't doing this elaborate workout like others. I was using Wii Active on a daily basis. I started at 10 minutes and slowly upped it to 30 minutes. Now, AI'm back at 10 minutes and I'm struggling to do that. I feel like this hospitalization had hindered my progress and now I'm back at square one. I don't think I'm 100% but I can't stand to put off exercising any longer.

Has this happened to anyone else? What do you do? Am I being unrealistic with my body?


  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Yes you're being unrealistic.... give your body time to heal properly.
  • aquarabbit
    aquarabbit Posts: 1,622 Member
    First of all, congrats on your success so far! Don't think that you're back at square one. This journey isn't a straight line. It's going to have it's twists and turns but you've still progressed. Don't doubt that. Second, were you cleared to workout? Sometimes they'll give you guidelines or restrictions too. If you were cleared and your fitness has just gone down a bit. Just keep slowly working your way back up. I have had to give up exercise a few times due to a bad knee and back problems. Sure I had to regain some strength that I'd lost during my rest time. But I just did what I needed to get back to where I was it and kept going. And as long as you focus on diet, the weight will keep coming off. I think that the only way you're being unrealistic is if you push yourself to detriment. Know what you can do, listen to your body, and just keep moving forward. You'll get back up to 30 minutes!
  • galprincess
    galprincess Posts: 682 Member
    Huge hugs that's a great ordeal to go through, I would start with walking anything that gets you up is good but please don't push yourself too hard you will make yourself ill. You managed to build up to 30 mins that's fab so you persevered and you can do it again and your fitness will increase but only when your body is able to. I wish you a super speedy recovery maybe try swimming and some low impact fitness to build some strength and get there gradually it doesn't have to be all or nothing you will find something you can do and not harm yourself
  • cdwwench
    cdwwench Posts: 16 Member
    Hey Girl, Do not beat up on yourself after hospitalization AND receiving blood. Your body does need time and nutrients to heal properly. Low level activity such as walking, or Wii at a slower speed, will help slowly get you back where you wanted to be. Galprincess had some great suggestions with swimming. I started with aquazumba and very slow speed, very short times (5 minutes) on the elliptical when I initially began. Make sure you are getting enough vitamins and iron in your diet to help with the recovery and also make sure to get enough rest.

    Hang in there!!! FYI, 2009, I was in the hospital after surgery, trying to breathe (unsuccessfully) and needed oxygen. It took time and patience,and am doing much better. Celebrate your successes as you move forward. Consider your condition in the hospital as your starting point now, not how your were before getting so sick. You are determined and you will get there.
  • bermequeen
    bermequeen Posts: 57 Member
    Thanks everyone. I'm going back to the DR tomorrow because I can't shake this headache and my breathing is heavy. They never said anything about working out but I will ask tomorrow. I know something is not 100% because I shouldn't be winded walking. Feel free to add me or continually responding. I appreciate the advice.