Has anyone lost weight with 'cheat days'?

I was wondering whether anyone has lost any weight with a cheat day once a week?
My day goes like-

Small breakfast
Mixed kebab with chips for lunch
Milkshake in the evening
1 crisp and 1 chocolate and some sweets

I eat 1200 calories 6 days of the week, so will a cheat day hinder my weight loss?


  • blueboxgeek
    blueboxgeek Posts: 574 Member
    I'm following a specific plan at the moment but in the past have alternated calories a little, allowing more at weekends and had success losing weight. My weigh in day was always Friday morning and Mon - Friday I would stick to around 1300 calories, and then over the weekend I would allow around 1700 - 1800 calories.

    I just made sure that I hit a good amount of protein, plus fruit and veggies and then would allow maybe 400-500 calories of "junk" whether that be higher calorie foods that I avoid to stay within my goals during the week (such as chips or pizza) or it would sometimes be a bar of chocolate and a glass of wine.

    Of course it will have an impact on your weight loss, but just allowing a few hundred calories more won't be a massive impact, and I think for some people, it can be benefitial to have this treat to look forward to and can help you stay on plan better during the week.

    I would also switch about it needed. For instance if I was going out with friends for a meal during the week I would have the extra calories on that day instead of the weekend.
  • DancingMoosie
    DancingMoosie Posts: 8,619 Member
    Yep, I've lost all the weight I wanted to while eating out every weekend. Just make sure that you are at a deficit for the week as a whole. You can always cut you calories back the day before, or do an extra workout to "earn" extra for your "cheat" day.
  • WhyLime113
    WhyLime113 Posts: 104 Member
    Definitely not gonna hurt, since you eat seems way too low most days. A cheat day would probably be beneficial.
    I'd actually recommend increasing your calories intake because 1200 is too little for most people (but hey, you might be good for that, I don't know your specs). Even then you could fit a cheat day no problem.
    As long as you stay close to your deficit the extra calories one day shouldn't hurt you.
  • elliej
    elliej Posts: 466 Member
    It's not a 'cheat' if it fits your macros. Eat what you want but in small quantities or work your butt off at the gym to 'earn' it.
  • animatorswearbras
    animatorswearbras Posts: 1,001 Member
    I eat about 1400-1500 Mon - Fri cheat with booze and a bit extra food on Saturday then usually with naughtier food again on Sunday (maybe 2000 day sat and sun on average). I have under 20 pounds to lose but lose on average 1 pound a week.

    I have my settings set to sedentary and half a pound loss a week but I think I'm possibly more in the lightly active zone as that would explain how I'm losing faster when I "cheat" every weekend.

    I find that it's not exactly cheating but not worrying as much about my macros on a weekend if I'm invited out keeps me sane (I try to still be healthy but I don't want to stop having meals and a few drinks with friends on a weekend) This works for me and fits in with my lifestyle and I still manage to lose so I give the odd cheating the thumbs up. However if I was having a boring weekend in I'd probably try to keep in 1400 cal range, my cheats are more flexible than set in stone, I just try to have more good days than bad if that makes sense ;)
  • Oscarinmiami
    Oscarinmiami Posts: 326 Member
    earn your cheat day with lots of excercise
  • BoxerBrawler
    BoxerBrawler Posts: 2,032 Member
    I typically keep my daily calories around 1000 to 1100 a day. About once a week I overload on healthy treats and snacks and go up to about 1400 (still lower than my weight loss daily calorie requirement I know). I have found that as long as I carry a deficit and I am consuming mainly lean protien and veggies that one or even two high calorie high carb "Treat" days or nights don't hinder my weight loss at all. I have around 10 lb's to go. Good luck :) Just keep it all within your calorie range for the day or the week.
  • Laughter_Girl
    Laughter_Girl Posts: 2,226 Member
    It has worked for me thus far. Saturdays are my free day. On that day I'm mindful not to overeat, savor every bite, aim to get my protein/veggies, drink plenty of water, and log everything I eat. Ultimately, you'll have to find the method your body best responds to.

    Wishing you the best on your journey. :smile:
  • gregpack
    gregpack Posts: 426 Member
    It depends on how you define "cheat day". How many calories are you gonna eat?

    I know some guys will eat just a "cheat meal"- and go eat 6000 calories at a chinese buffet, then wonder why they're not losing fast enough or at all.

    I couldn't have a reasonable "all day cheat day" but I used to have one "cheat meal" a week. That day's calorie total ended up being just a little bit over maintenance,

    For you, one day a week at or just a bit above maintenance would probably be beneficial in you reaching your long term goal.
  • martyqueen52
    martyqueen52 Posts: 1,120 Member
    Cheat days are idiotic.

    If you let yourself go and eat WHATEVER, WHENEVER you can easily surpass 3,500 calories from high calorie foods and gain fat, fast.

    Incorporate IIFYM lifestyle and eat what you want as long as it fits your macros to avoid "cheat" days which technically are binge days that set you way back.
  • cebreisch
    cebreisch Posts: 1,340 Member
    My dad liked having a cheat day. He said even God took a day off on Sunday. He felt like if he was good all week, then he could "relax the rules" on one day. He said when it got to his cheat day, the stuff he wanted he could get by with having a "reasonable amount" - and ended up having less of it than he might have if he had had it all week long.

    I know a lot of people swear by them, but I'm not sure it's for me. I would tend to go "wild" with it and would go way overboard.

    If you can loosen the reigns a little without going overboard, then great - give it a try and see if it works for you. I would approach it cautiously though.
  • MamaFunky
    MamaFunky Posts: 735 Member

    I couldn't have a reasonable "all day cheat day" but I used to have one "cheat meal" a week. That day's calorie total ended up being just a little bit over maintenance,

    I was getting ready to say the same thing...instead of a cheat day...have a "cheat meal". If I know we are going to eat mexican one night, I just eat smart for breakfast and lunch and then enjoy my dinner with no guilt. You have to find a healthy balance. I don't really like the term "cheat day". Try to make healthy choices the majority of the time and those times you feel like a "cheat" meal, snack, etc. will be fine.
  • KristinaB83
    KristinaB83 Posts: 440 Member
    On the weekends I tend to go a little crazy... sometimes going up to like 4,000 cals or so... But I've lost weight every week.
  • tlcarolinagirl
    tlcarolinagirl Posts: 1,700 Member
    I don't have a cheat day but once a week I have a cheat meal. By that, I mean, I have some fries or maybe some mayo on my sandwich. Nothing crazy, but I usually eat 1600ish calories that day as opposed to the 1200. I have lost 20 pounds since December 1st doing this.
  • BoxerBrawler
    BoxerBrawler Posts: 2,032 Member
    Yes, agree with the two above me. A cheat "meal" is better than a cheat day.

    Personally if I try to do a cheat day I'll just end up binging all day long and the healthy stuff turns into the bad stuff quickly! However, either Friday or Saturday night my husband and I have dinner out. Somewhere extravagant and pretentious haha. I'll typically stick to healthier choices but get whatever I want from an appetizer to dessert.
  • denny_menter
    denny_menter Posts: 34 Member
    It has worked for me, but I have to watch it that I don't go overboard. I've been logging in MFP and programs like it for years now and I have a good estimate for what I eat even when I don't log. On an off day, I still weigh whether that bowl of ice cream is worth a 4 mile run to work it off. I can't help it!

    I look at it more like a "don't log" day than a cheat day.
  • GBrady43068
    GBrady43068 Posts: 1,256 Member
    It's not a 'cheat' if it fits your macros. Eat what you want but in small quantities or work your butt off at the gym to 'earn' it.
    QFT. This ^

    Honestly, I don't worry about going over my day by 200-300 calories once or twice a week because there's a built-in calorie deficit AND I usually am "planning" for it...I already know I want to eat out, get Ben and Jerry's, whatever...so I take it easier on the meal or two before it that day and hit the gym harder to try and "earn" it. So far, I've kept losing a modest amount (1-2 pounds) all but one week since October. (The one week was the week of Christmas day if you're wondering :wink: )
  • sandhusaab16
    I have lost weight with cheat snacks or meal...however they were fit in my diet plan
  • csmccord
    csmccord Posts: 272 Member
    I have a cheat meal. I do my weigh-ins Friday mornings. So Friday evening is my cheat meal. My wife and typically go out Friday night for dinner, so that is my one meal to throw caution to the wind and make poorer choices. Now, that doesn't mean that I'll go absolutely nuts and go to a buffet and pack down a few thousand calories while stuffing myself until I can't walk.

    What this means is that if I want to get fries and a greasy burger, I'll do it, because that's my favorite food. Will I still log the calories? Yes because I feel it's important to be honest with yourself. Plus, you get to see just how expensive those foods really are. I'll typically skip the bread, and get a side salad with some low-cal or healthier dressing such as a vinaigrette.

    I've lost all my weight, while still having a cheat meal each week. But, I don't view it as cheating really. I plan that meal out as I do most others, and I still log the calories. It's typically the only day that I go over my calorie goals, even after exercise. I find that this one meal is enough to satisfy my cravings for the "bad" food for the majority of a week. I think it's important to indulge every once in awhile. If you don't, you get damn tired of eating the healthier stuff. Yes, some people can get away without doing it, but it worked for me.
  • rockmama72
    rockmama72 Posts: 815 Member
    I could never get the hang of losing weight until I got rid of the concept of cheating and started thinking of weight loss as a game of balance. I eat more calories when it's worth it, like a really good Italian dinner or a big fat steak. Of course they have more calories and will add to my totals. Who cares though? If I do it like this I won't give up on my plan just because I think I blew it by cheating.